• kescusay@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Given the much greater size of the population that plans to vote Democrat, not likely.

    Let’s take this out of the realm of politics for a sec, and bring up a topic nearly everyone can agree on: Chocolate. A full 90% of Americans like chocolate and prefer it to other candy categories. (Seriously, look it up. Americans fucking love chocolate.) Now imagine if you went to a candy discussion forum, and found that there was a flood of similarly-phrased and comments from a bunch of new accounts, all extolling the virtues of gummy bears and denigrating chocolate as a candy choice.

    Would you find that believable? Or would you suspect some gummy bear aficionado had set up bots to spam the forum?

    • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      But is everything a fucking conspiracy?! I mean, a full HALF of the country is not voting for Harris. Half.

      Are there some people paid to promote? Yeah, I’m sure there are. For EVERY party. I just don’t think it’s nearly as much as you do.

      Also, it would be a total fucking waste of money to pay someone to shill on Lemmy. Lemmy hates third-parties with a passion anyway.

      People hate me so much, that when I have posted non-political posts to say a science community, within 30 seconds there will be 10 downvotes. And not from the science community, because even they get confused why so many downvotes so fast.

      Why? My name. And why? Because I posted third-party articles.

      I’m very proud to vote third-party, but the amount of bullying and false accusations I get from Democrats are much more hateful than what I get from Republicans. I mean, Republicans hate me too, but nothing like the Democrats on Lemmy. lmao

      And I promise you, any slight motivation I had for even considering switching to Democrat, was obliterated by the comments and hate I get here. I’ll never vote for Harris now. I don’t care what happens. lol

      • kescusay@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I don’t hate you. I think you’re incredibly naive, and I think you’ve likely inadvertently consumed Russian propaganda specifically designed to split the left in the United States, but that doesn’t make me hate you.

        It just makes me sad.

        I have a couple kids, as I mentioned, both LGBTQ+. People like you, I don’t think you intend my kids harm. But your vote will potentially boost Donald Trump. And your rhetoric online, if successful, would further boost Donald Trump. And Trump is a direct threat to my kids.

        So no, I don’t hate you. But I’m scared of what you and people like you could do to my kids in the name of ideological purity.

        • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          inadvertently consumed Russian propaganda

          But half of the country is not voting for Harris. Not everyone is under the influence of Russian propaganda. Lots of people just have a different opinion.

          • kescusay@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            I’m going to blow your mind:


            It’s certainly not half the country, but a shockingly, disturbingly large portion of the Republican electorate fell for “QAnon” junk being spread largely by Russian sources posing as conservatives. The left is far less susceptible to outright propaganda tactics like that, but Russia is pushing for division extremely hard.

            • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              And from how many people here who think that every single poster who isn’t voting for Harris, is some paid russian agent, it seems like a pretty big chunk of the Democrat electorate is gullible and paranoid too.

              • kescusay@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                You need to account for sampling bias. This is a forum that strongly attracts a self-selecting group comprised almost entirely of those on the left. Very few Republicans actually find their way here, and the few that do are typically downvoted into oblivion.

                At the same time, there’s a flood of supposedly leftist accounts, most new, trying desperately to get Trump elected, at the same time as news comes out that… well, that Russia is doing an awful lot of that shit.

                So people here are suspicious.

                • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  This is a forum that strongly attracts a self-selecting group comprised almost entirely of those on the left. Very few Republicans actually find their way here, and the few that do are typically downvoted into oblivion.

                  So then why would Russian lackey’s come and post in a forum where they know no one will change their minds?

                  So actually your argument proves to me that they are not Russians trying to turn the vote. I get accused of being Russian, every single day here. lol

                  • kescusay@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    I thought that would be obvious. Again, this is a self-selecting group of lefty folks. If someone works in one of Russia’s troll farms, and their job today is to try to divide the left, then they’re gonna go to where the left hangs out.

                    If someone like that shows up shouting, “Trump 2024! MAGA!” then they’re not going to make any headway. Like I said, Republicans here tend to get downvoted into oblivion.

                    So instead, they show up and go, “I’m a lefty, too. Very left. In fact, I’m so leftilicious that I hate Harris. Don’t vote for Harris, she’s just like the Republicans! Instead, vote for [INSERT CANDIDATE WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING]! Because believe me, [INSERT CANDIDATE WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING] is much, much better! Be ideologically pure! And whatever you do, don’t worry about Donald Trump becoming president, because I’m sure that with enough of us voting for them, [INSERT CANDIDATE WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING] will totes win!”