Socialist Berserker

Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Woke-free. “Dems/Repubs offer only crumbs to workers while propping up systems that oppress us. True liberation comes only when we break free and ignite the fire of revolution.”

  • 351 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2024


  • Never said I was convinced. Believe I said “guess.”

    Even after I told you that you were incorrect. Sounds pretty convinced.

    Still, there is no evidence currently that you aren’t the bogeyman either.

    And no evidence that you aren’t working for the republican party and that you’re just trying to sow doubt and confusion so that people are just confused and don’t vote at all.

    In fact…guess what my “guess” about you is…

    Because you sure walk and talk like someone trying to confuse everyone and sow doubt so that duopoly can stay in charge. You seem awfully interested in questioning people who don’t agree with you. Reminds me of someone…someone orange…

  • No, I’ll reserve my right to continue to comment on your nonsense.

    That’s totally your right too. But maybe cry less about seeing my posts if you are the one that refuses to set up a way to avoid seeing them.

    I’ll bet you’re not voting for her because you’re not a US citizen. That’s my best guess.

    Why on earth would you think that? I’m totally voting in the election, as I have every election since 1988. And I have said who I am voting for in several posts.

    Where do you think I’m from? lmao

    Accusing me of being a troll or not a US citizen is against the community rules, so please stay civil. Thank you!

  • Your propaganda crusade for 3rd party candidates is where I get annoyed. Luckily you’re incredibly transparent so I don’t think you’re all that effective.

    So if I’m as ineffective as you say, then there’s really no reason for you to be annoyed or concerned. Right? I mean, if I’m not making an impact, then what’s the harm in just letting me post what I want where I want?

    No one’s angry with you.


    We just know what you are

    And what am I?

    it’s just annoying that we have to cover your spew of nonsense when we could be having much more productive and interesting discussions.

    You don’t actually have to deal with my “spew of nonsense” at all. You can simply choose not to interact, skip reading my posts, or block me altogether if it bothers you that much. No one’s forcing you to comment here, right?

  • How terrible would my life have to be for me to tally up your post percentages?

    Well, maybe don’t throw around accusations that I spend all my time posting about Jill Stein if you’re not actually willing to check the facts about it.

    All I know is that when I see Jill Stein show on my feed, it’s you posting it.

    That doesn’t really mean I spend all my time posting about her or “pumping” out stuff about her, now does it?

    I also post a lot of libertarian articles to this community. I also post a lot of Claudia De la Cruz (socialist party) articles to this community. In fact, all of my posts to this community are about third parties.

    Are you mad about the number of pro-Harris articles that are posted here daily?! Because there are way more of those than ones of Jill Stein.

    Were you under the impression that this political news community was ONLY for pro-Harris news articles?! It’s not. It’s actually for political news discussion.

    Calm down, man. I’m not even voting for Jill Stein. I post news about third parties because I’m interested in third-party political news. She’s third party. That’s it. No vast conspiracy.

    If you are so tired of seeing me posting stuff, feel free to block me. I totally respect and support your right to do that.