the americans had previously supported several draft proposals to have the prc on the unsc while also recognizing the roc with their own separate seat. on the day of this vote the assembly was just about to fully recognize the prc as china’s representative. so I think it’s fair to say that the eleventh hour american proposal to add a 2/3 supermajority requirement to any measure “depriving” the kmt of representation was effectively a vote on the un splitting china
the americans had previously supported several draft proposals to have the prc on the unsc while also recognizing the roc with their own separate seat. on the day of this vote the assembly was just about to fully recognize the prc as china’s representative. so I think it’s fair to say that the eleventh hour american proposal to add a 2/3 supermajority requirement to any measure “depriving” the kmt of representation was effectively a vote on the un splitting china