AFAB people not being hyper-feminine isn’t internalized misogyny.

It should be pretty obvious that not being the patriarchal standard of ‘feminine’ is going to get AFAB people the most shit from the patriarchy. If we wanted to ‘avoid misogyny’ we sure as shit wouldn’t be doing this.

An AFAB person dressing the way patriarchal men want them to in order to avoid social ostracization would be internalized misogyny, not the other way around.

I don’t know why idiots think that make-up and dresses are genetic. Bro, men used to make up, powdered wigs, and heels. And don’t get me started on togas and robes, that shit is just a dress. It’s not inherently feminine. We made that shit up.

I’m not ‘rejecting womanhood’ and I don’t have internalised misogyny just because I’m AFAB NB. This is literally just me being who I am inside. I won’t be gaslit into performing gender in a way I don’t want to.

  • aby [none/use name]
    1 year ago

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