You stay true to the source material. He’s still in the Marvel universe and all that.

But most Marvel movies are rated PG-13, or maybe even PG. I know deadpool is rated R, but it’s not really because of gore and graphic scenes.

I’m thinking a movie more along the lines of the Saw movies in terms of gore. The movie wouldn’t center around Spiderman, and it wouldn’t center around Carnage. Carnage would be the main villain. You might even have Venom in there at some point.

But the movie really would center around some small town. The kind of place where everybody knows everybody. I’m thinking maybe somewhere in Alaska. Just because I think the brutal cold could in itself be part of the horror. The fact that they can’t just go outside for long periods of time. Maybe their cars are all destroyed.

But the ever looming threat is Carnage. I’d treat it like a more graphic version of the first Jurassic Park. The dinosaurs were only actually on screen for 18 minutes or so. The rest of the movie was about building up the suspense of what they’re capable of.

Or like how Jaws, you never saw the shark until the last scene.

Carnage would just always be out there. Leaving a trail of gore, and blood, and dead bodies. That’s why it woud HAVE TO BE rated R.

And Carnage just appears when he wants, and they’re trying to stop him. I don’t really have a story in mind, just the idea of that slow suspenseful tone, followed immediately by Carnage killing and dismembering, and leaving a trail of corpses.


    6 months ago

    Toss in a little of “the thing” from the eighties. Get them all suspecting each other. A couple scenes early on with just a flash and sprinkle of tentacles or outline of carnage in a lightning strike. Peter gets called in, but has to reluctantly call Eddie when he realizes he’s outmatched. The only problem is that we’ve established that the current Peter Parker and Eddie Brock movies are from different universes. Is there even a spider man in the venom movie verse? Maybe it’s an excuse to do ghost spider or another alt.

    Anyway directed by Sam Raime and you got a deal.

    • ianhclark510
      6 months ago

      I hate that they have to tiptoe around this ‘universe’ crap, just put your cool characters in a cool movie, it’s not like they’d even blink an eye about it in a comic