Theres the pretty girls… Drawing of a red haired girl with a heart on her T-Shirt and sparkles all around And theres the popular girls Drawing of a girl with an astronomy t-shirt doing a ;3 kissy face
And I look like OBAMA PRISM Obama Prism: Obama’s face stretched on the surface of a mathematical pyramid
You are a pretty and popular girl, you’re Celeste from Celeste.gif%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20210819050728&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2c0ab8ff1df01057b536734cefdc3199218b39bf98e0085d8de9244cca6b7976&ipo=images)
Madeline from the critically acclaimed videogame Mtn. Madeline 2: Brrr, Cold Butt