Bionicle’s kind of a “You had to be there” thing. Not gonna do anything for a hardcore sci-fi buff, but the writing and setting had a unexpected depth to it by the standards of a nerdy kid in the early '00s. There’re some neat character designs, too.
Can someone give me the low-down on Bionicle? All I know is, LEGO action figures, Maori aesthetic, repeated meme references.
Is it any good? Are parts of it good and others not? Should I get extremely high and watch/play any Bionicle-related media?
It’s like Warhammer 40k for kids, in that it’s an overly-elaborate storyline meant to sell plastic toys.
there are some things to like about it buried in there, but as a whole it’s just mediocre children’s toy advertisements.
Watch the creatures of the deep product advertisements. I think they’re badass.
Bionicle’s kind of a “You had to be there” thing. Not gonna do anything for a hardcore sci-fi buff, but the writing and setting had a unexpected depth to it by the standards of a nerdy kid in the early '00s. There’re some neat character designs, too.