booty [he/him]

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Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年8月11日


    1. Democrats don’t want to win and don’t have any true beliefs, they’re controlled opposition

    2. No one cares what you “expose” about republicans anyway. People vote for who they’re told to vote for no matter what. They were told to vote for trump, they voted for trump, despite the fact that he’s a self-admitted sexual predator. They were told to vote for Biden so they voted for Biden, even though he is also a sexual predator, and a well-documented racist monster just like Trump of course.

    3. By consolidating behind Biden they kind of cut off their ability to criticize people for being like Biden. And Biden is basically a republican.

  • What? Do you look in the dictionary to find exhaustive encyclopedia articles about topics? Do you need me to define capitalism too, is that why my definition is too vague? Do you need me to define “support?” What part of my definition are you confused about?

    If someone asks you what a tuque is, are you unsatisfied until you have talked about the Welsh town of Monmouth and the methods they used in the 15th century to stitch caps? Or would you tell them that it’s a knit fucking cap

  • That’s not a definition, that’s an extremely thorough article about liberalism.

    Words only have meaning if their definition is agreed upon

    I mean you really don’t have to agree, you just have to understand. It doesn’t matter what you think the definition of liberal should be as long as you know what I mean when I say it. And now you do. So, how about you define your terms now so that there can be effective two-way communication? As it stands, the communication only goes one way. You understand me, but I don’t understand you. That doesn’t seem very fair. From the article you linked:

    Through all these strands and traditions, scholars have identified the following major common facets of liberal thought:

    • believing in equality

    Please resolve the inequality present in this conversation.