Ahh, relative privation. We’re not allowed to work on anything until we all collectively agree what the worst thing is, and then we’re only allowed to work on that thing. As it should be.
And you’re not allowed to say something is a problem unless you know the solution. My comeback to this is about how you don’t need to be a chef to have an opinion on whether food tastes bad or not.
WeLl YoU cAnT dO bEtTeR
Never said I could. Apparently, neither can they.
Imagine caring about more than one issue at a time. I only care about how inflation is going to affect the price of my chicken nuggets.
Chicken farming is also disproportionately affected by better animal health standards/disease prevention. You used to be able to farm them efficiently in stacked cages. Now that’s illegal. On the plus side this means less pandemics.
Spoken like a true patriot!
There’s something to be said about how interconnected a lot of major issues in the world are. Many solutions to specific issues don’t solve the underlying reason why that issue came about in the first place, laying the groundwork for the same issue to pop up again in a few years, which is why people push to fix systemic things. (Though I do think for the sake of accuracy and humor, the last line of the comic should be “No, that is too big of an issue to possibly change”).
We just have to accept that some people are “give a man a fish” people and others are “teach a man to fish” people. I think the world needs both for things to actually get better. Then there’s another group of people who just don’t like hearing the cries of the less privileged when they themselves are perfectly comfortable with how things are (shown in the comic) and who often wears a mask imitating the “teach a man to fish” person. The “teach a man to fish” people and “please stop complaining” people might both target their complaints towards the “give a man a fish” people, but that doesn’t mean that those two groups are the same or have the same goals. Pay no attention to bad actors who will try to prevent any movement towards a better world when it costs a bit of their own comfort.
Given I just waded through several doom posts to get here on All, yes. Yes I to say this sounds familiar.
Can I get a little holler for my number one issue, equal rights to a good education?
equal rights to a good education?
We cant do ANY work on that until we abolish capitalism (/s)
deleted by creator
Argh, i shouldve thought of that
X be like
Its more of an .ml thing