Great Tit - Mediocre Tit
Penguin - Pencilguin
Falcon - Falpro
Masked Booby - Unmasked Boobythe swordguin is not as dangerous as it sounds
I’ve heard that the penguin is mightier than the swordguin.
let’s face it the guy who named the great tit did probably did so accidentally. the bird could’ve been named anything at that point.
“and what should we name these birds?”
“damn it i spilled my coffee”
“weird name but ok”Probably how this fish got named
My attempt to associate these implied birds with real species:
There is no smooth-legged hawk, but there is a sharp-shinned hawk. While rough and sharp aren’t quite antonyms, the rough-legged hawk is named for its feathered legs, while the sharp-shinned hawk is named for its long, featherless legs. Don’t ask me, I’m not an ornithologist.
Similarly, no valley chickadee, but the black-capped chickadee overlaps significantly with the mountain chickadee and lives at lower elevations, so I think that’s a pretty good match.
For flycatchers, the best fit is the Short-crested flycatcher, but really there are many flycatchers with crests that are just OK. Honorable mention to the sad flycatcher. Not sure if he’s sad because he doesn’t measure up but I can’t rule it out.
Finally, bitterns. This one is the easiest. The least bittern is, in fact, named with its opposite in mind, which is the great bittern. Poor guy.
Big bird - Biggest bird
Cormorant - Cormomute
Chaffinch - Chaffcentimetre
Bittern - Sweetn
Magpie - Magpizza
Duck billed platypus vs elephant trumped platypus
Bed-headed Flycatcher
American Bittern - stay away from me!