My son is going through a fussy stage and I also don’t have loads of time to make perfect little snacks. Please help.

    5 months ago

    so I said this on the discord (which you should totally join) but toddlers make no sense you gotta just keep throwing random stuff at them til something works because tomorrow or in 20 minutes it might all change and they suddenly hate the thing they just loved. And there’s always fruit. Tortilla roll up things: take a whole wheat tortilla and spread nut butter or hummus or some kind of spread and sprinkle with hemp seeds and put bits of things like bananas or olives or just whatever goes with the theme (you can make them sweet or savory) and roll it up and cut into little bite size tubes like a sushi roll.

    But I’m also in a vegan parenting server and this topic of discussion comes up sometimes there. Happy to send an invite to that if you want. I wish I could think of more suggestions but honestly it’s tough depending on the age/kid/day of the week

  • TheAlbatross
    5 months ago

    Popcorn? I make it in a wok and it takes less than the 3 minutes a microwave bag would and I can season it as I like.

    Did the math and it’s a tenth the cost of the microwave bags when you buy kernels and pop them on the stovetop