voters prefer Trump on issues of the economy and immigration
She needs to hit them on this during the debate.
Why did the Republicans kill the Price Gouging Act in the Senate
Why did Trump tell the Republicans in the Senate to kill the Border Deal that the Republicans literally get everything they asked for?
Every single one of Trump’s economic policies is inflationary. We finally have a candidate that can make a policy argument, and Kamala needs to nail home that Trump has no idea what he’s doing and will make inflation, prices, and the economy way worse.
This is why it’s good to mentally replace “the economy” with “rich people’s yacht money” in articles
You need to try harder. “This happened under Biden.” They can basically repeat that over and over and it’s all that matters to them.
Hell, Trump could say that he loves abortion and the next day refute that and say he never said it. He’s very “believe what I say not what I do”
Voters prefer Mr. Trump when it comes to whom they trust to handle the economy and immigration
I hate how stupid everyone is.
“A person can be smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals”
Also, the Darwin Awards are a long-standing, constant reminder of the “can” in that statement.
Which explains why I don’t mind individual persons for the most part. Dealing with them 1:1 is usually fine.
But damn do I hate people. And the worst part is I’m also a people.
I would wear a
"God I hate people.
I’m people"
Doesn’t matter. Don’t get complacent. VOTE!
But also… HOPE! It’s okay to feel good about this as long as you avoid complacency.
Some hopeful things you can do:
- Encourage friends and family who don’t vote often to go to the polls.
- Plan out election day trips to take them, if needed (doesn’t apply in states with 100% vote by mail).
- Offer to sit down with them and go over the choices offered by this year’s ballots.
- Volunteer if you have some time.
Battle complacency with hopeful action!
oh it does matter. but go and vote indeed 😜
So sick of people hating on polls for causing optimism. Being optimistic is not being complacent
You must understand, Hillary was ahead on polls in 2016 and I swear that’s given people paranoia.
That said, the Hillary vote was a vote against Trump and were forced into it. This feels like a vote for Harris is a vote for Harris – people actually feel good about supporting her and Walz. Demolishing Trump is a bonus!
But the polls also indicate clear vulnerabilities for the new Democratic presidential nominee. Forty-two percent of voters said Ms. Harris was too liberal;
So NYT, another way to put that would be that most voters don’t think she’s too progressive?
In recent days, Ms. Harris has disavowed some of her previous stances on issues including border enforcement and fracking, as well as her support for a single-payer health care system.
Can’t have shit in America, I swear
Oh well, good to see Trump and Vance eating shit at any rate.
So NYT, another way to put that would be that most voters don’t think she’s too progressive?
they phrased it that way to put it in contrast with biden:
Forty-two percent of voters said Ms. Harris was too liberal; 37 percent said the same about Mr. Biden last October.
but i agree that people have to stop being scared of the “insult” liberal.
it is like when they use the word woke as an insult; i mean what is the fucking alternative - being asleep?
Forty-two percent of voters said Ms. Harris was too liberal; 37 percent said the same about Mr. Biden last October.
Wonder how many voters found Biden too conservative, though? I’m always sceptical when big media start pushing anti-progressive scare tactics.
I mean, with either Biden or Harris highlighting the less common response is a weird phrasing choice, and it’s a weird thing to focus on if they’re just looking for weaknesses (Republicans who are always going to think any Dem is too progressive will distort things, and meanwhile she’s almost as close to being negative on the “has a clear vision for the country” question which speaks more to persuadable voters).
but i agree that people have to stop being scared of the “insult” liberal.
I didn’t say that and don’t think I can agree with you there. Like, it shouldn’t be an insult per se, liberalism was an improvement over the monarchism and mercantilism ideas that came before it and I think civil rights and written constitutions are solid ideas we should retain, but the whole obsession with “market based” solutions and paternalistic means testing nonsense is a silly waste of money and political capital.
On a very much related note, the fact that the survey question asks “Do you think Kamala Harris is too liberal or progressive, not liberal or etc.” is really unhelpful, but that’s “all the news that’s fit to print” for ya
it is like when they use the word woke as an insult; i mean what is the fucking alternative - being asleep?
Yeah, that’s always struck me as a weird flex too. I guess just because it was a phrase commonly used by black people once upon a time before it went mainstream was enough to make them reflexively hate it.
a weird thing to focus on if they’re just looking for weaknesses
i am not really sure i understand you here - that’s how looking for weakness works. the positive part of the spectrum is just “keep up the good work”, the lower part is “here is where you might be losing some voters”.
there is of course the fact that you can get to the point where gaining voters on one side of the scale means losing them on the other one.
but the whole obsession with “market based” solutions
i meant more social liberalism as opposed to social conservatism, i agree with scepticism about the free market, which is primarily free from any consequences.
I like how you can tell who the big donors are by watching policy movement. Gotta get that campaign money, but fuck.
I love how everyone is progressive and pro-democracy on Reddit/Lemmy, then you go outside and boom, you encounter people thinking Bill Gates is a reptile and only Trump & co. can save us.
that’s not really the case though. conservatives are a minority. the main reason they get to power is because 1. your democracy is fucked and popular vote doesn’t even elect the president, and 2. gerrymandering and voter suppression.
don’t be fooled by the so-called 49%, that’s 49% of people who vote. most US elections are won by whoever comes second to “did not vote” because apparently “did not vote” can’t be president.
and sometimes it’s whoever comes third even, because fuck voters. and that’s almost always the republican, losing popular vote to both “did not vote” and the Dem who comes second, but still gets the presidency.
An alternative title would be “Polls show no clear leader in presidential race as both candidates are within the margin of error.”
Don’t trust polls. Vote. With all the voter roll purges, make sure you’re still registered too.
Harris/Walz 2024. Fuck the republican traitor filth.
Sad that it’s even that close. Get out and vote and show Trump the exit door.
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Please don’t get complacent, your vote will still matter.
And prop up RFK Jr.
The Blue Wall has been established. Three major states went into toss up. And the Democratic convention hasn’t happened yet. If I was Harris, I’d like where I’m at.