‘Limitless’ energy: how floating solar panels near the equator could power future population hotspots::New research shows densely populated countries in Southeast Asia and West Africa could harvest effectively unlimited energy from solar panels floating on calm tropical seas near the equator.

  • LadyAutumn
    2 years ago

    Yes economics is a worthwhile deflection when considering potentially existential climate change brought on by dependence on fossil fuels. Renewable energy is not and never will be able to supply the power demands we currently have. Nothing short of totally rewriting the way our current societies function would change that.

    Not to mention at the current cost in precious metals that renewables, especially solar panels, require we would not have enough of them to entirely eliminate fossil fuel usage.

    Nuclear can more than replace fossil fuel usage. Money is irrelevant. The US goes into debt trillions every year for their military. When it matters the most, money is irrelevant. The ruling class has just decided that climate change doesn’t matter enough.