transcript [text overlaid on several pictures of benches and outside windowsills. the benches have bars, or gaps to prevent someone from sleeping on them.

text reads “Ban anti-homeless arctithecture”]


Hostile architecture is among the symptoms of the hostile modern city, where neighbours never say hi, and people die on the streets as people walk passivly by.

      8 months ago

      Why do you think that’s a valid criticism? Like why is that the rhetoric you pro-homelessness people have?

      If you dislike student loans and criticize them for everyone, even if you have yours paid off, must you then pay off a certain number of other people’s loans before you can advocate for government policies that forgive them? Like you see how stupid that is as a suggestion, when someone wants government to handle something (literally exercising their right to free speech as the law was written) and you demand they do it at an individual level?