So I just had a mod out a harassment report I had made to the very people that have been harassing me, connect it with my username, and be dismissively mocking about it.

This is absolutely the kind of reddit behavior I left there to avoid.

Of course all of you will tell me “But itsn’t against any rules”, and I counter: It creates a hostile environment which is explicitly against the rules.

I’ve searched and scoured and the only thing I’ve found is to post to this community. That feels strange as this isn’t a technical issue.

Is there anything to be done about this or do I just leave Lemmy too?

  • Socialist Mormon
    7 months ago

    Btw, OP has banned many, Many, MANY people themselves,

    Yep, and baselessly attacked people in a forum I am in, including me. He had several comments removed for false accusations there (, then came to this community and said how mad he was about that sub, and then said something really horrible about the mods there.

    Guy is legit angry at the world, and he gets even angrier when he doesn’t get his way.

      7 months ago

      Wtf you have downvote bots or people brigading - social media sucks ass so much sometimes.:-( I really wish those were not anonymous so you could see who is abusing the system like that.

      But… oh no, anyway meme:-P.

      Yeah the guy is allowed to be angry though we don’t need to be abused by having to bear the brunt of it all the time. It’s toxicity which they will not control, thus making everyone’s day a little shittier as a result.