Another article that highlighs inherent flaws in the American legal system. How can this potentially be an actual lawsuit? How can “journalists” even entertain reporting on this?

Honestly I’m just posting to laugh at my fellow lemmings responses and watch see how the plaintiff is roasted for not gitting gud.

But, there is a real conversation here around continued ignorance of game development and the value of difficult games as a value proposition. Afterall, the person attempting to sue from did choose to purchase the games willingly knowing they’re not for scrub casuals like themselves.

What do you all think, is difficulty gating content a real issue? Should dev’s have some kind of legal requirement to appease players that can spec a build properly? Is it Thursday and I’m just looking for some easy laughs at a morons expense?

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
    6 months ago
    1. You can file the paperwork to attempt to sue anyone for anything. It doesn’t mean it will be accepted by the court, or that the judge will not summon you there specifically to laugh in your face, declare your suit frivolous, throw you out, and refuse to validate your parking.
    2. If Jabroni thinks he’s having it rough with Elden Ring, he ought to go back and try out the first couple of King’s Field games…
      6 months ago

      From reading his posts, he doesn’t think the game is too hard he thinks there’s an entire game hidden inside Elden Ring. He claims there’s an entire parallel universe for the lands between hidden in the game files and no one has found it because they purposely hid this final “50% of the game” and made it impossible to find.