Ohio state Sen. George Lang ® is the one advocating treason in case you were wondering.
“Calls for unity” went out the window
The “unity” they’re calling for is to fall in line behind them and stop interfering with their power grab.
Ashley Babbitt ring any bells? That’s a preview of any so-called civil war. But this time, let’s get the fucking traitors behind it and put them in prison. Maybe one of those private prisons they are so fond of.
I was confused at first, thinking of Lorena Bobbitt. Wait… I’m not sure that’s the right plan. Oh, Babbitt, yeah, fuck those fuckers.
I was thinking the exact same thing 😄
And then nihilists
Lorena Bobbitt
Not what I had in mind, but I like your enthusiasm.
Maybe one of those private prisons they are so fond of
Nah, those are for proles only. People like that? They get a slap on a wrist on a good day
One can dream…
No! PoLiTiCaL ViOlEnCe iS bAd!!!
If I threaten to kill someone it can lead to criminal charges… Would his threat also open the door to it?
But he sincerely apologizes from the bottom of his heart. He was just shouting things he doesn’t believe in, sorry for your confusion.
Fucking bring it.
“Go ahead, go get your gun and start one, we’ll wait.”
Can’t wait for the charge of the yokels on mobility scooters.
The charge of the shite brigade.
Adolf Twitler and his Turd Reich calls upon America’s Cosplaytriots to “save America”.
Whois going to stop them though? Because Republicans overwhelmingly own most of the guns and almost all cops are Republicans .
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Unleash the Gravy SEALs!!!
Hey look, some more classic republican projection because they’re literally planning to install a dictatorship if they win.