I first learned of Street-Complete here and I really like it.
It’s satisfying to walk around, complete little tasks, and get prizes, scratching a similar itch to Pokemon Go.
Stuck waiting for someone? Add opening hours for a few local businesses.
Have a long walk ahead of you? See if you can add/check house addresses as fast as you can walk.
Want to walk off a few beers before heading home? Complete some tasks in the bar street.
Its a very constructive way to “be right” on the internet.
I tried it when someone posted about it a couple of weeks ago. It is fun, my son and I go for walks and I include him in the tasks. Unfortunately, we get a lot of road surface questions which are a bit boring.
You can also add “little” objects like benches, recycling containers or trees in your near environment to the map that come with their own sets of questions
@stiephelando @vatlark @openstreetmap
If a question type gets tedious you can disable that “quest” in the settings.
That improved my experience. I disabled the things that my city generally doesn’t have, and it made my questing much more enjoyable.
Iirc, you can deselect road surfaces in the settings somewhere so the app doesn’t ask about it?
Yea but somebody gotta add that info ;)
The road surfaces actually help a ton for apps that come up with bicycle routes as well as those on wheelchairs. However of you’d prefer less of them, you can make jt a lower priority in the settings.
Same here!