Hugh mistake by whoever started the protest to have an end date for it. Now only a fraction of the ~8000 subs that planned to go blackout indefinitely has remained private. The protest has achieved nothing and Reddit will continue doing its things. Not to disregard the efforts but this is definitely not the right way to protest.

    1 year ago

    From reading the blackout plans post posted by the mods about 12 hours before the privating of the community, the main issues people had was that they didn’t want to make yet another account for yet another platform.

    This place is quiet not because /r/Warframe was mostly bots, but people just don’t want to invest in more platforms / apps unless they feel there’s an incentive for them to do so.

    Of course, investing in the Fediverse platforms is the logical conclusion to all the issues with the big platforms, but there needs to be some sort of positive value for people to want to invest in something else, like a big community, or extra features (unfortunately the perks for decentralisation are not features to most people), and right now other platforms don’t offer that, and I’m not so sure they ever will, as the weight of the huge platforms gives them more power to keep offering more and more value over competitors, due to the tendency towards monopoly in capitalistic systems.

    To answer the question directly: I don’t think /r/Warframe should come back, as I think a lot of people are resisting posting here because they expect /r/Warframe to come back and will just wait it out, but after enough time goes by, they’ll feel they’re missing out by not being here.

    Edit: My comment appears not to be federating to, maybe editing will make it try again?

      1 year ago

      It took me a couple of days to decide to make an account here, I am reaching my limits with creating passwords for all my accounts and remembering them, but since I spent almost all my Reddit time in r/Warframe, it was the logical next step.

          1 year ago

          I have no idea how password managers work, and I feel that if it goes wrong, all my different passwords will be out.

            1 year ago

            A local password manager, eg KeePass, is easy to use. At most basic, think of it like a spreadsheet that you save with a password. Managers add a bunch of features on top of that basic concept.

            1. You start it, you create a big password/phrase to encrypt it with (This is probably the hardest part, write it down somewhere until you’re confident remembering it)
            2. Record your existing accounts
            3. Create new accounts and/or update old passwords with new randomized (you can customize how) passwords, meaning each account has a password that can be breached without consequence
            4. Your database file, since it is encrypted, can be stored in a cloud provider for backup/easy access
            5. Improve integration with your browser or phone with extensions or apps that can read the database you made (For KeePass, there’s a few of each. I use KeePassium on iOS)