The poster and description do nothing to inspire watching it, but I finally gave it a go and wow it surprised me. It’s an awesome revenge flick.
The main character basically Rocky Balboas his way into becoming John Wick and it’s a fun ride. They even call him John Wick at one point, which usually would be eye rolling but it’s funny. There’s some fun religious stuff thrown in, and really good fight choreography.
At one point I had to pause for the bathroom and was really happy I was only half way through it.
I highly recommend it.
I was pleasantly surprised by it too, glad I ended up giving it a shot. Turned out to be a deeper movie than I was giving it credit for even if a lot of tropes still showed up throughout
Yep, absolutely loved it. Decent story, excellent action, well acted…. If you like action movies, you’ll love this one. Saw it the day it came out because of how much I liked the trailer.
Haven’t seen it but only heard good things from anyone who has.
I liked it, it was good, but I wasn’t a fan of it devolving into a john wick action flick in the climax. The rest of the film before that was great.
I didn’t like the training montage where he levels up his fighting skills, I wished it had been magic or divine intervention that made him a better fighter, or maybe if he just gradually progressed throughout the movie.
I was surprised it took him forever to be a better fighter. During those scenes right before hes taken in by the religious people I kept saying “you fight every night, what are you doing!?”
There was a lot about it to like but I felt the fight direction spoiled it - far too much Jason Bourne-style lobbing the camera around.
Apparently the production went throughout a lot. They even used their phone for filming some of the stuff when the camera broke. It’s also Dev Patel’s first venture into directing so his work would only get better.