Feeling really nervous about it but its hard for me to access it outside of these options, I just hope that the order actually goes through and that its not a scam and that I can finally start to change my body. Sorry to make a bit of a vent post but ya’ll are awesome and I don’t know anyone irl who would listen <3 Edit: The order didn’t go through but they haven’t taken my money so I don’t think it’s a scam, if anyone has some sites they can recommend which ship to the UK I’d really appreciate it ❤️

  • Gigagoblin
    3 months ago

    i live in a place where trans healthcare’s aim is not to explore how gender-affirming care could help you, but to prove you don’t need gender-affirming care. started DIY a while back & it’s the best decision i’ve ever made. like, i’m not a kid anymore, i don’t wanna be old & regret not allowing myself a chance to feel content in my body.

    i do fuken h8 needles, though.

    anyway. i wish you all the best on your journey, friend ❤