Although its name is a reference to the mind games played by pimps and traffickers, Skull Games, which Marx’s church is no longer officially involved in, is itself a form of sport for its participants: a sort of hackathon for would-be Christian saviors, complete with competition. Those who play are awarded points based on their sleuthing. Finding a target’s high school diploma or sonogram imagery nets 15 points, while finding the same tattoo on multiple women would earn a whopping 300. On at least one occasion, according to materials reviewed by The Intercept and Tech Inquiry, participants competed for a chance at prizes, including paid work for Marx’s California church and one of its surveillance firm partners.

    1 year ago

    I started with venting but that’s not what deserves attention here imo. I hope the sex workers get the support and resources they need. If anyone else is super heated about this the way I am, here's a link from the article that you can give a donation to if you want to

    <rage vent> this is why Christians disgust me and why I distinguish between Christians (these sorts of shitty people) and christians, which i define as people who actually act in ways that would make Jesus proud. These capital C mother fuckers are worse than Satan and proud of it. I’d say all sorts of nasty cursed things at them, but then I’d be using Christian vocabulary, and I would rip out my own tongue before I stoop that fucking low.</rage vent>

    Tldr; there is no hate as vile nor evil as Christian love.

    The things they do in Jesus’ name should bring them shame, but their brains are fucking broken at this point.

    I could go on forever about this, so I’ll stop now.

    1 year ago

    Oh of course they target women and not the pedophile pastors assaulting their own children. These right wing Christians are disgusting people.

    1 year ago

    If people take wanted to stop human trafficking they would legalize and regulate sex work. They do this because it plays into the hero complex which this shows with the military language and fighting the devil.