• Admiral Patrick
    6 days ago

    “Thanks for blazing the trail, climbing the mountain, and throwing down a ladder for me to climb, but fuck everyone else; I’m pulling the ladder up behind me.”

    -Typical ‘I got mine’ mentality

    Bonus: “Surely the people I’m helping to pull this ladder back up the mountain won’t push me off once it’s done.”

  • @audiomodder
    386 days ago

    From the article: “Beyond ideology, the big consistency is that this is mostly a story of white gay men”

    Uh, DUH!

    So it’s not generically “queer” Republicans on the rise, it’s “gay white male Republicans”, then they changed the title to make it seem like it’s unexpected.

    • A few years back, some log cabin Republicans walked beside a sports car in the Austin Pride Parade. You could tell exactly where they were because the crowd fell silent as they passed. It was cool hearing the silence move down the street, nobody booed we just ignored them.

      There have been members of the community aligned with the far right for a long time. There was even a hugh ranking gay nazi that worked for Hitler before he outlived his usefulness and IIRC ended up in a concentration camp.

      • @cmbabul@lemmy.world
        105 days ago

        It just further proves that the primary driving philosophy of conservatism is in groups and out group, one to be protected and one to be bound

        • TheRealKuni
          55 days ago

          and one to be bound

          I didn’t realize ALL the log cabin republicans were into that.

    • @stoly@lemmy.world
      5 days ago

      Yes, a lot of people think that they will be considered “one of the good ones”. They can’t accept that it doesn’t matter how much they match the rest of the politics. Being a person of color, gay, etc is all anyone needs to hate you.

      P.S. Adding that after the Stonewall riots and getting the NYPD to leave gays and lesbians alone, those upper middle class white gays and lesbians took theirs and ran off. The whole movement fell apart and bi, trans, and others are still suffering.

    • @audiomodder
      106 days ago

      Yes. For white gay men, but not anybody else