Description: A new sticky post on the 196 subreddit with a poll to decide whether the subreddit should reopen.

  • @Entropy
    9311 months ago

    The subs that closed in protest should stay closed until reddit reverses their decisions. If that’s never, then so be it. When workers go on strike, they don’t stop until a deal has been made, why should this be any different. Have some fucking integrity.

    • ben
      5611 months ago

      If you look at the mod that’s hosting the poll they never even left the site. This doesn’t feel like something they’re doing for the benefit of the community, it feels like they’re doing it because they’re addicted to the platform and aren’t willing to make a community elsewhere. It just happens that they can open a poll and all the people that already left aren’t going to have a chance to say no.

      Not too mention that they’re hosting it on Reddit itself, which requires an account to vote on polls. When many people already deleted their accounts.

    • @Space_CanOP
      3711 months ago

      I don’t really see this being a threat to this community. There’s a big subset of users who were never going to migrate to Lemmy, no matter what. Perhaps some of those users can be coaxed over here now that they’re directly reachable again via the subreddit.

  • @celeste
    11 months ago

    The answer should be: no. Here’s the poll btw. for anyone interested.: About 2.9k in favor to 900 against atm. Results may be influenced by survivorship bias.

    Update: 5.1k in favor to 1.5k against.

      4911 months ago

      It’s absolutely influenced. Everyone who found a nice place e.g. on here is just not on Reddit and not seeing it anymore. Had a similar poll on a different subreddit I completely missed.

        11 months ago

        By now, yeah, but the damage is done. Power users and mods left in droves when they saw reddit overriding mods to reopen big subs. At that point they’d shown just how much they DGAF about the people that actually provide all the value on their site. As the moderation and content dwindles it’s going to turn more into a barren wasteland/cesspit and it’ll fade into irrelevance. If this network has done its job creating an alternative for people to go to when that happens, then we’ll have liberated a large swathe of social media.

        The protest basically doesn’t even need to happen at this point.

    • @outofemailaliases
      211 months ago

      update? i think a mod made an announcement on the lemmy instance

  • Evelyn
    2611 months ago

    Looks like the vote is an overwhelming yes, everyone that wanted it to stay closed moved here.

    • Kes
      1311 months ago

      It created a mass exodus of users, especially active ones who post content, who have founded communities elsewhere. Lemmy exists, and for a lot of users Lemmy has completely replaced their reddit addiction. Though subreddits reopen, the quality of content has gotten significantly worse, and for users fed up with Reddit, they now have a viable alternative to go to

    • @outofemailaliases
      1311 months ago

      i had been on 196 for almost a year till reddit shut down. i don’t care if they re open i’m not going back.

      just wish you could see the results of the poll without an acct

  • ben
    1811 months ago

    Subreddit moderators live without having power over a group of people challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

    • @Space_CanOP
      11 months ago

      Maaaaaaybeeee… >.> <.<

      I patched rif with an open source android app patcher called ReVanced. You can find the guide I used here.

  • @gonk
    111 months ago

    what’s the point of protesting if ur gonna reopen after a month with no changes/concessions from reddit