The main reasons I’ve seen from vegans for not eating meat seem to be all about the morality of eating a sentient animal, the practices of the modern meat industry, and the environmental impact of it. And don’t have anything to do with the taste of meat.

Since lab-grown meat doesn’t cause animal suffering, and assuming mass production is environmentally friendly, would you consider going back to eating meat if it were the lab-grown kind?

    11913 days ago

    I would not mind eating lab grown and I think it is great if people would eat that instead but ive been vegan for so long that i have no interest in meat. I hardly eat mock meats, its only in social situations to not stand out to much.

    • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
      4413 days ago

      Seconded. When I was vegan I’d already been vegetarian for years. Meat, including fake meat, held no appeal.

      • @Sasha
        712 days ago

        Fake meat has more of an appeal to me than lab grown meat, or it used to. It was kinda interesting when they were unique flavours marketed as alternatives rather than accurate immitations.

        Honestly the food science is one of my favourite things about being vegan, I can cook way more interesting meals than I could as a carnist because I’d just use meat as the main flavour which works but it’s kinda lazy. Let me make something with a little miso and shitake broth and you’ll be in love

          • @Sasha
            311 days ago

            I don’t have any written recipes I’m afraid, I’ve been making them up as I go.

            I usually use that combination for a ramen base. I used dried shitake and soak them in a ton of water overnight in the fridge. The dried shitake are honestly kinda inedible even after being rehydrated so I don’t always use them afterwards. I should also soak Kombu but I keep forgetting to buy it.

            If you mix that broth with the right amount of miso paste then you’ll get the amazing combination of msg and nucleotides that gives you some amazing flavours. Soy sauce helps too, some garlic, ginger and sesame oil make it perfect.

            Good luck working out ratios because I just guess everytime based on the size of my bowls 😅

              311 days ago

              Thanks so much for sharing! I’ll have to experiment for dinner tomorrow (I’m blessed to have a local eco store that sells everything you mentioned).

              • @Sasha
                211 days ago

                Hell yeah!

                Good luck and have fun!

      1212 days ago

      Same. I stopped eating meat in the mid 90s, was pescatarian until 2019, and have been vegan since. I don’t miss meat at all. I’ll eat an impossible or a beyond burger occasionally because it’s sometimes my only option, but I could just as easily skip them.

      I wouldn’t judge anyone else for eating lab meat, though. I don’t have any moral issue with it, it just isn’t something I’m personally interested in.

  • TipRing
    4113 days ago

    I don’t have any ethical issues with it, I just don’t find meat appetizing anymore. I’m all for having the option for people who want it though.

  • @Sasha
    12 days ago

    It’s a lot of effort to solve an issue that’s already solved by being vegan so eh, I’m pretty indifferent to it at least at face value. If it can compete with a vegan diet in terms of climate and ecosystem impact then I’ll support it but I’ve no interest in it personally. I don’t really have any justification for not being interested, I’m just not.

    I’d be much more interested in seeing artificial cheese made from proteins created by yeast or bacteria tbh.

      12 days ago

      Growing plants outdoors takes a lot of water, and growing them indoors takes a lot of energy for the lighting.

      Since lab grown meat won’t need all that light, energy costs might be lower, but maybe the energy to keep the growth happening at the right temperature will be quite high. You could offset some of that though with where its grown. Ultimately if we can do it close to room temperature that would be ideal, but I have no idea what the requirements are.

      Overall though it might be exceptionally environmentally and climate friendly in it’s own rights, not just compared to raising the animals to kill them.

        912 days ago

        The energy for lab grown meat has to come from somewhere - thermodynamics is always king. You can provide it via sugars/carbohydrates which the cells can motabolise, but you’ve got to put energy into making the sugar/carbs which is easiest by just growing some sugarcane/potatoes/etc. There’s more steps for meat vs plant and it’s very unlikely you can make 100 calories of lab meat with lower total system energy input than 100 calories of plant matter. (N.B., I’m a chemist, not a astronomical biologist, so if an expert refutes me and my assumptions, Place more trust in them)

          12 days ago

          Oh you’re right about the food for it. I wasn’t thinking about that. I can’t see any way they’d get those to parity even if it was room temperature.

          Edit: Oh just a thought, but if we were able to somehow able to get the nutrients from things we were going to compost. But I have a feeling that’s not how that would happen, and that they wouldn’t be the proper nutrients for growing. Maybe way out in the future though like in Back To The Future, Mr. Fusion garbage fuel! Fresh meat from waste!

      • @Sasha
        312 days ago

        That’s certainly the hope, but I don’t think that’s the way it’s going so far. The little I’ve read about it suggests it’s going to use a considerable amount of energy, there’s probably going to be a lot of research on the environmental impact. Other considerations include water usage, raw materials and waste, and at this stage it’s too early to say what those are going to be like.

        I’m honestly not keen on just hoping it’ll work out, especially when capitalism is involved. It’ll be great if it does and I’m legitimately hoping for that, but there isn’t a great track record with this kind of stuff. Especially with the meat industry basically funding laws to stop it from being available in the first place.

        I guess I’m worried about it being another failed magic bullet, and I’m just sitting here completely fine without it.

      • JackbyDev
        212 days ago

        Greenhouses aren’t lit, usually. What are you talking about?

          12 days ago

          I was thinking indoor hydroponics. Vertical farming.

          Way less water than traditional growing. Like 90% less or something like that, but the LEDs aren’t cheap and use a lot if power. Also a lot less space.

        4613 days ago

        Given that the point of lab grown meat is to stand in for butchered meat, I think it’s fair to assume they’ll target the same taste/texture. Honestly, what’s even the point of the discussion without that premise baked in?

      • baconsanga
        2913 days ago

        I think they mean they don’t like the taste/texture of meat already so why would they go over to lab grown.

        612 days ago

        I assume they meant meat in general. Supposed lab-grown meat aims to be a similar experience, the given answer is self-explanatory.

        Btw, you can get lab-grown meat in a reastaurant in Singapore iirc.

  • Tar_Alcaran
    2812 days ago

    My ethics and my mouth think it’s a great idea.

    But I feel like my intestines would complain a LOT.

      512 days ago

      They would, at first. You might have a very uncomfortable few days but then your guts would get up to speed and it’d be fine. Happens all the time to people.

      12 days ago

      I dated a vegetarian, and I love to cook. It was wild how little it took to break through the “meatless” thing. We didn’t last but I kept the skillset, and eat vegetarian at least a few nights of the week.

      I love being able to taste things at every stage without worry about food safety. Like if I don’t think a sauce is quite right, I can always try a bit. Once you kind of break through, meat freaks you out a bit… and I still eat meat!

      Edit: I’ll also add: giving up cheese and eggs would be hard as hell though… I get where that would be more exciting than meat.

      312 days ago

      I saw lab grown milk at the grocery store the other day! It’s still pretty pricey and there’s only whole milk but I’m excited that accessible lab grown milk is on the horizon

    2511 days ago

    It would depend how this lab grown meat affects the environment or who produces it, how, what price it is… I’m not opposed to it, just need to see the details.

    11 days ago

    I’ve been vegetarian my whole life and vegan for ~4 years or so, and I would definitely eat lab grown meat (assuming the conditions you stated).

    I almost certainly wouldn’t eat it often but there is sooo many cultural dishes I haven’t ever tried due to them containing meat, which I would love to try sometime.

    Admittedly I expect that most things I would not end up liking, but the ability to try would be really nice.

      711 days ago

      Admittedly I expect that most things I would not end up liking, but the ability to try would be really nice.

      Man, what a great attitude. I wish everyone was this open about food.

  • Inui [comrade/them]
    12 days ago

    Lab grown meat currently does still does cause animal suffering since it’s often derived from fetal bovine serum.

    As a vegan, I still wouldn’t eat it without that though because I have come to view flesh as inedible as other people would see tree bark or tires outside of desperate situations.

    I already make food I like at home without it, there’s no point in adding it back in.

      812 days ago

      It’s not derived from FBS, FBS is used to feed the cell culture. The stemcells themselves come from other sources of the embryo. So growing meat from meat with serum.

    2213 days ago

    Vegetarian not vegan, but I wouldn’t really have an issue if ethical. Nutrition is another matter to consider.

      1012 days ago

      +1, I was fully veg for about 15y until I started having dreams about turkey sandwiches. I’m weekday veg now and only eat meat/eggs/etc that isn’t sourced from factory farming. Shit’s expensive and if lab grown meat has the same nutritional profile without the animal suffering I’d happily switch.

  • PonyOfWar
    2212 days ago

    Vegetarian here. It’s not something I’d personally buy or use in meals, as I don’t really have the desire to eat meat. That said, if it happened to be in a dish I really want to try at a restaurant, sure I’d eat it.

      211 days ago

      For me the main benefit of it would be the ability to try local/cultural dishes while travelling, if lab grown meat was an option.

  • I don’t eat meat because it causes suffering in another. Plants have no concept of pain without a brain, nervous system or even nerve endings. So to me, the question becomes if the lab grown meat was ever attached to a brain that could feel suffering.

    Now as far i understand it, lab grown meat isn’t nessecarily grown in isolation from a cow. But in a solution primarily compromised of blood extracted from living cows. That’s without question better than killing a creature, buuuuuuut we all know that when profits are involved the health of a animal is not prioritized.

    So it really depends, while I don’t miss meat, once lab grown becomes widely available I’ll make my choice depending on the exact process of how it reached the grocery store.

  • Bannanable
    1612 days ago

    No, I think it’s a good idea but I’m fine with plant based alts. I think it’s a lot better than having to kill animals for food but still seems like a lot of extr steps when you can just eat plants and stuff mad from plants without requiring a biological reactor, and lab. I would also assume that the process requires at least some more energy or resorces than regular food processing methods. So it wouldn’t win any points on that front. I was raised vegan for context, so I’ve never actually tasted real meat and don’t see any reason to try it now, lab grown or not.

    • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
      411 days ago

      My question is: why not try it? I mean, I know of people who don’t like to travel outside their town because why bother? But the world is a big interesting place with all sorts of new experiences. Why wouldn’t you want to try new and different foods? Would you try a new fruit you hadn’t had access to before?

      re: energy/etc: this is an issue everywhere, and it’s all slowly changing. Farming is still done with big gas guzzling, smoke bellowing machines, for example. (I’ve seen Secret of NIMH).