• Tumblr was awful for Discourse™️, there are some legendary headass takes originating from there. A lot of those people moved to Twitter after the Tumblr porn ban, and it slowly has gotten less insufferable.

        I’m really surprised that people don’t make the connection that Twitter Discourse™️ is Tumblr Discourse™️ but short form. I genuinely think Twitter got magnitudes worse after the Tumblr migration, especially if you’re on the music/media/fandom side.

        • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
          13 days ago

          Tumblr was awful for Discourse

          I don’t find it really good for that now, either. It’s fun for just blasting out random thoughts and forgetting about it as well as mindlessly looking at others; but actually trying to communicate on that site is awful.

          This right here is easier, more intuitive, etc.

        • @RebekahWSD@lemmy.world
          714 days ago

          They kept trying to push inane video short things for awhile, but everyone in tumblr fucking haaaated it so much they shut that down after a few months. They try to make the site worse, everyone revolts.

          • @brucethemoose@lemmy.world
            14 days ago

            It wasn’t the only controversy, and I’m not even much a Tumblr user that would know its history.

            But it hasn’t really enshittified like other social media.

    • Chloé 🥕
      514 days ago

      in fact, tumblr itself may be a part of the fediverse someday!

      wether or not we should want that is another topic.

        • Chloé 🥕
          614 days ago

          my biggest problem with tumblr is that it has a big TERF community

          as a trans woman, I’m pretty reticent about federating with them

          • @chumbalumber
            714 days ago

            It’s weird; there’s a huge trans presence on Tumblr, but also a large terf presence too. Part of the reason I like Lemmy/liked Reddit is that communities form that are supportive; I post to a group of people who have sought this space out, rather than to a group of individuals, some of whom might see it randomly and be rabidly unpleasant.

            • Chloé 🥕
              413 days ago

              yeah Tumblr is a double-edged sword. the queer community there is incredible and I want to be a part of it, but the TERFs are also omnipresent and numerous, and the moderation doesn’t do much to stop them…

  • mad_asshatter
    114 days ago

    Like riding a moped or banging skank:

    A lot of fun unless someone sees you.