US investigators have arrested the founder and CEO of a telehealth company who is accused of a running a $100m (£78m) scheme to fraudulently distribute over 40m pills of Adderall and other controlled substances.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland said that Done CEO Ruthia He conspired with the company’s clinical president, David Brody, “to provide easy access to Adderall and other stimulants for no legitimate medical purpose”.

America’s top law officer said the executives had exploited telemedicine rules that were loosened during the Covid pandemic.

Done Global, a San Francisco-based start-up, became popular during the pandemic as an online way to obtain Adderall by paying a monthly subscription fee.

Ms He was arrested in Los Angeles and Dr Brody in San Rafael, California, according to officials.

  • The Snark Urge
    4514 days ago

    During a time when people with ADHD are experiencing shortages, this seems exceptionally bad

      3414 days ago

      Telehealth pill mills like this are the reason we have an ADHD medication shortage. We had a TON of people prescribed Adderall over the pandemic and now they’re hooked. This company’s entire business model was about establishing a nationwide customer base of amphetamine addicts to maximize their profits.

        1214 days ago

        It was surprisingly easy to get my dextroamphetamine prescription through a (local) telehealth doctor. Of course, I know I have ADHD because I’m not addicted to the meds and, in fact, keep forgetting to take then.

    • FartsWithAnAccent
      1314 days ago

      I gave up, it’s a pain in the ass to keep up the prescription anyways because it’s a cOnTrOlLeD sUbStAnCe.

    3414 days ago

    I know an older lady who uses these as uppers. I tell her she’s a drug addict, but she disagrees. She just needs energy. I say caffeine. She says it doesn’t work. I say, that’s because you’ve spent the last 30 years abusing prescription medication.

    • Plenty of people are addicted to caffeine too. Maybe we should stop with all the drug addict discourse altogether, because it’s dumb and counter productive and doesn’t get people the help they really need. Lots of people can use drugs responsibly and lots of people can spiral into harmful lifestyle situations without ever touching pills or powders.

      • @Zorsith
        14 days ago

        Plus plenty of people who metabolize stimulants… weirdly. Caffeine does fuck all for me (aside from give me the shits) if I chug it, but sipping an energy drink over the course of a few hours does wonders in little ways.

          • @Zorsith
            14 days ago

            I genuinely wish it was, but it’s caffeine in general. Can’t do high-caffeine coffee drinks because they’ve all got fuckin’ dairy in them, and regular hot coffee puts me to sleep.

              • @Zorsith
                14 days ago

                Yes. And they give me the shits, and don’t really do much for me if I chug them. And no, it’s not a tolerance buildup thing, I can go months without caffeine, and chug 2-3 200mg energy drinks.