Fetterman (D., Pa.) has received two speeding tickets in his home state — the more recent one of which was in March for exceeding the speed limit in Westmoreland County by 34 mph. Before this year, he was ticketed in April 2016 for going at least 24 mph above the speed limit in Warren County, according to state public records.

The senator’s aides have said Fetterman has texted and FaceTimed while driving, ”prompting concerns among his staff and fears about riding with him,” the Post reported, citing three people with knowledge of staff discussions who spoke about internal conversations on the condition of anonymity.

  • Kit
    9 months ago

    Probably taking the turnpike. There’s a section in Westmoreland County where it randomly drops from 75 mph to 55 mph and catches everyone off guard. There’s also sections of Route 119 that randomly drop from 50 to 25 for no discernable reason, other than catching out-of-towners by surprise and slapping them with a speeding ticket.