The Bethesda of old is long dead. After the disappointment that was Starfield, it will take multiple rave reviews and watching a few streamers playing on Twitch for me to even consider giving them any money. And I sure as hell will not be paying for goddamned mods, not now and not ever. Eff that and eff the greedy assholes that now run Bethesda.
The Bethesda of old who invented MTX with their $5-dollar horse armour?
Or the Bethesda of old who made millions by re-releasing the same game for 10+ years but refused to spend a dime to fix its bugs or give the players a functioning UI?
The Bethesda of old is long dead. After the disappointment that was Starfield, it will take multiple rave reviews and watching a few streamers playing on Twitch for me to even consider giving them any money. And I sure as hell will not be paying for goddamned mods, not now and not ever. Eff that and eff the greedy assholes that now run Bethesda.
The Bethesda of old who invented MTX with their $5-dollar horse armour?
Or the Bethesda of old who made millions by re-releasing the same game for 10+ years but refused to spend a dime to fix its bugs or give the players a functioning UI?
They means the Bethesda if the 00s and back
Edited: he to they, idk this person like that.