How do you distinguish between romantic attraction and strong friendship? Something I struggle with and when romantic attachment is suggested to me I don’t know whether/how to say yes/no.

  • zea
    1014 days ago

    I’ve reframed it as a spectrum rather than a binary so I don’t have to think about it.

  • Good Girl [she/they]
    14 days ago

    If you figure it out, let me know. I’m a golden retriever girlfriend who falls in love way too quick with anyone and everyone.

    Joking aside, it’s the feeling of camaraderie vs desire for intimacy for me, i think.

    • @chumbalumberOP
      14 days ago

      Me too (except for the girlfriend part, though I’m not entirely sure on that front)

      But don’t forget the terrifying fear of intimacy and letting romance ruin a good friendship

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    14 days ago

    IDK myself… I’m pretty sure I’m just aromantic or perhaps just another symptom of having BPD (I either hate you or love you; there’s no in-between).

    I would have sex with anyone. I can be friends with almost anyone. And I can sure as hell have both someone who has sex with me that’s a friend. What more is there? Dumb gestures instead of just communicating your feelings verbally?

    I’ve searched for an explanation of “romantic attraction” that I can actually understand and still don’t know what the hell it really means. So either I don’t experience it, or it’s just not easy to explain. Or I am the dumb. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • AdaA
      114 days ago

      deleted by creator

    414 days ago

    I think the romantic element is linked to desire for intimacy of some kind or other, and is there to some degree in every friendship, but when that becomes a “romantic attraction” usually varies and honestly is defined in hindsight more often than not.

    So, not knowing is normal. If someone is pressing you to decide, they can definitely wait.