in my personal experience, going to cooking/baking classes for the general public, as in not some school/academy. I like to cook and decided to find out if something like this existed where I lived. I found a couple and went to the two that had the more interesting information/description online from the person running the classes, and customer comments.
It ranged from 50/50 to 20/80, men to women, in almost every class. Also, an extended family member of mine has run art classes for a long time now and he says those are very popular with women.
Ok so what’s the opposite gender equivalent of this. Asking for a friend.
“Dating apps don’t work. Time to go act confused in a yoga class.”
OOOOH now I get it lol. Guess I had to see it from a more personally relatable perspective.
Be a bear in the woods
Nah I am a human male which means a bear should be terrified of me
Fabric store
spending time with someone in a social environment over a period of several days.
Oh that’s why I’m alone.
Doesn’t work
This only works once a year, but the ice cream aisle on Valentines Day.
in my personal experience, going to cooking/baking classes for the general public, as in not some school/academy. I like to cook and decided to find out if something like this existed where I lived. I found a couple and went to the two that had the more interesting information/description online from the person running the classes, and customer comments.
It ranged from 50/50 to 20/80, men to women, in almost every class. Also, an extended family member of mine has run art classes for a long time now and he says those are very popular with women.