• @sunaurus@lemm.ee
    1021 year ago

    There is a bug in 0.17.4 that stops front pages from updating shortly after the server is restarted, thus resulting in “hot” and “active” showing stale posts.

    I have fixed this issue on https://lemm.ee already, you can check our front page to see fresh posts. The fix will soon land in the main Lemmy codebase as well so other instances can take advantage, you can track the issue here: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3076

    I have also advised other instance admins that regularly restarting their Lemmy server will work as a band-aid workaround until the proper fix is released, so some admins have already implemented this in order to get their post rankings working again, but the proper fix will come in the next release of Lemmy.

    • @Dandylion@beehaw.org
      71 year ago

      Hey there, I appreciate all the work you guys are all doing to keep this going. We see you and thank you.

      • @sunaurus@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        There are two maintainers, but it’s open source, so dozens of others have contributed over the years (and a lot of new contributors have joined in the current month - myself included!)

    • @bdonvr@thelemmy.club
      71 year ago

      I was halfway through reading this when I immediately thought “is the ‘solution’ just regularly restarting the server?” lol

      • @sunaurus@lemm.ee
        101 year ago

        The most crucial fix has already been merged and should be included in the 0.18 release of Lemmy!

        • Joe B
          21 year ago

          @sunaurus @lemmyworld Glad to hear. I have accounts on lemmy and Mastodon and some times have to use lemmy web. Would be nice to see new posts.

        • @ewe@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          I poked around to see which bugs are being worked on and whatnot on lemmy-ui’s github, but I couldn’t find the release schedule (new to open source projects like this).

          Is there a way to get a sense of when a new version drop will be applied outside of being an actual contributor or is that all hidden/just in the minds of the maintainers?

          • @sunaurus@lemm.ee
            71 year ago

            AFAIK there is no release schedule as such, it’s more a situation of it’ll be released no sooner or later than when it’s ready for release 😃

            I know it can be frustrating to hear that as a user, but it really is better than promising a release date, and then either failing to deliver on time, or delivering something which you know is not really ready.

            • @ewe@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              I know it can be frustrating to hear that as a user

              Not at all. I get it completely. I do some programming for my 9-5 and have our releases and stuff scheduled in our Jira, but that’s a private dev team, not a open source project like this and it doesn’t use github/gitlab for anything.

              Expectation management and getting people to understand why we didn’t deploy at the specified time is a huge annoyance, lol.

  • db0
    421 year ago

    Switch to all/hot. The default is local

    • plz1
      91 year ago

      I think OP is getting at the point that maybe the default shouldn’t be local. I set mine to subscribed, but until a server is widely used, maybe the default should be all. It’s more of a server admin thing than a software default thing, IMO, though.

      • db0
        31 year ago

        I tend to agree this is why I wrote a new users guide and pinned it on my instance which suggests exactly this

      • @hyperhopper@lemmy.world
        21 year ago

        Even after a server is widely used, the default should be all.

        That’s the whole point of federation. That’s what everybody is saying. That’s even what join-lemmy promotes; you see it all because of federation.

        “Local” should be the most niche rarely used setting ever.

        • @porthos@startrek.website
          11 year ago

          Hmm, I don’t know it depends on the context. I am on startrek.website and for that community with a lot of new star trek fans coming in who don’t necessarily know much about federation and the fediverse I think having the default be local to just star trek content makes way more sense. For other communities not built around a specific fanbase having the default be all makes way more sense. It just depends I think.

          Come to think of it, we should rename “all” to “UFP” lol

  • @bloodsangre7@lemmy.world
    361 year ago

    Be the change you want to see, post new things, comment on stuff, upvote away.

    A big mind shift from reddit is that the contribution doesn’t have to be the most interesting, insightful, or novel. When you’re in a giant community it can feel like you have to have the most incredible thing to feel like its worth posting. Here you can experiment so much more

    • @nieceandtows@lemmy.world
      271 year ago

      The problem is actually not that there isn’t enough new content. Sort by new and see your front page get flooded every second. The problem seems to be the sort options bugging out for days at a time

      • @c2h6@lemmy.world
        131 year ago

        Yeah I’m starting to see this as well. On my second or third day here and the front page is the same, I have to actively look for more. That’s going to drive away new folks

        • Joe B
          51 year ago

          @c2h6 @nieceandtows They are fixing it should be fixed in next update. To make your feed fun sort by new post and sort by new comments. Makes everything so nice.

          • @nieceandtows@lemmy.world
            11 year ago

            Just noticed your comment. Looks like the mention is not working this way. I don’t see anything in the mentions tab for me.

        • @nieceandtows@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          It used to be good, I think the something broke when we crossed 10k users on this instance. I don’t think sh.itjust.works has the same issue.

      • @Gsus4@lemmy.one
        11 year ago

        Yea, I think a custom sort/filter option would be innovative comparing with other UX: e.g. I want all the newest posts of my subbed list with more than 3 comments and certain keywords in/out rather than just hot/new/most comments. RES partially enabled this.

  • I’ve been sorting by ‘Hot’ recently, its a little more chaotic but it’s definitely a fresher experience. Also I just found out you can hide read posts! Which has been a huge game changer.

  • @SamuelLCompassion@lemmy.one
    221 year ago

    When I set my front page to “All” and “Hot”, it constantly adds new posts to the top of the lists and shuffles everything down. I just visited the page and it updated the list three times in about five seconds. Is there a way to make it not do that?

    • stankmut
      121 year ago

      It’s a bug that should be fixed soon. Luckily it doesn’t happen in the android app I’m using, Jerboa.

      • mesamune
        21 year ago

        Yep that’s what I use. Good app. I might try and contribute later.

  • Joe B
    1 year ago

    @KillaBeez I think we are to used to reddit. You can always sort by new and comments sorting by comments and is interesting.

    • Speckle
      1 year ago

      Hey! 👋 There’s a setting you can toggle on your account for ‘show read posts’ which should stop you seeing things you’ve already interacted with. That might help you out 👍

      • @spaduf
        91 year ago

        Important note if you were confused like me: expanding an image is not currently counted as an interaction for the purposes of hiding already seen content.

  • @Acester47@lemmy.ca
    141 year ago

    I notice it’s been really stagnant today, was a lot more active the last two days. Is everyone gone back to reddit??

  • Rick
    141 year ago

    They did some changes to the sort last night. I was thinking the same. This seems a little slower today for HOT.

    • NaN
      21 year ago

      Love this idea. I definitely treat most content lists as an inbox; if I’ve interacted with it, archive it somewhere unobtrusive in case I need to refer to it later.

  • Carlos de Grails
    141 year ago

    Yes, you summed up what was bothering me about this site. Intended or not, it’s giving the impression of a ghost town outside of a few threads.

    • Nyanix
      51 year ago

      In your profile settings is a way to set the default. Some users have reported a visual bug where when you go back to the main page it will say that you have a different sorting method selected, but the results of the page should still reflect what you’ve set as your default. We’re all Alpha Testers for Lemmy :)

      • Nyanix
        31 year ago

        Apparently it’s just a visual thing, whatever you’ve set your profile to in the browser extends to your Jerboa app.