Former presidential medical adviser clashed with far-right congresswoman when he testified in front of the House Oversight Committee on Monday about the Trump administration’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Dr Anthony Fauci has accused Marjorie Taylor Greene of inspiring death threats against him.

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases clashed with the Republican firebrand lawmaker at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Monday in which he gave testimony about the Trump administration’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the hearing, Greene told Fauci he was “not a doctor” and that he “belonged in prison” for “crimes against humanity” amid heated questioning. She also accused him of experimenting on beagles with disease-causing parasites.

“Whenever somebody gets up, whether it’s the news media you know, Fox News does it a lot or it’s somebody in the Congress who gets up and makes a public statement that I’m responsible for the deaths of x number of people because of policies or some crazy idea that I created the virus — immediately — you could like clockwork, the death threats, go way up,” Fauci said during an appearance with Kaitlan Collins on CNN.

    26 days ago

    During the hearing, Greene told Fauci he was “not a doctor” and that he “belonged in prison” for “crimes against humanity” amid heated questioning. She also accused him of experimenting on beagles with disease-causing parasites.

    “As a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil, what you signed off on, and these experiments that happened to beagles paid for by the American taxpayer,” she said. “And I want you to know that Americans don’t pay their taxes for animals to be tortured liked this.”

    Unusual? How about unhinged?

    The vaccine is for a virus, which is a replicating protein, not a parasite.

    Dogs are by definition not humanity, but the billions of people who were protected from the virus certainly are.

    I doubt she knows how the makeup she cakes on her face is tested.

      • Kalkaline
        26 days ago

        You know Kristi Noem is different because she’s a Republican.

        (We all know that, but it needs to be said out loud)

      2426 days ago

      I enjoy how the party of law and order just wants to consistently ignore laws and order and demands immediate imprisonment of anybody who makes them look bad. It’s been going on for years, but its intensity since Cheeto diapers came around has increased exponentially.

        1526 days ago

        “law and order” is just dog whistle for using cops to harass outgroups.

        Don’t ever ever forget that the cruelty is the point. They don’t give a fuck about the law.

  • Optional
    7726 days ago

    Just as a quick aside to note that making death threats is a crime.

    I’m still kind of amazed that we know exactly what shows, links, and ads these people like but when they make death threats the powers that be are all “who?? What?? Where??”

      1426 days ago

      The trick is that it has to be a threat, and if we’re being honest then the more money and power you have the more obviously threatening it must be.

      DON’T SAY: “I’m going to kill you.”

      DO SAY: “It would be great if you died right now.”

      And if you have influence and/or money, feel free to say: “I wish someone would kill you.”

      • swim
        526 days ago

        Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?

    7526 days ago

    “Because the purpose of hearings are to try and figure out how we can do better so that next time if and when we all faced with a pandemic we’d be better prepared and we could benefit if mistakes were made; we identify them and we try to correct them for the future,” he added.

    Fauci said that, and I’m sure thats why prior Congresses held hearings like this, but I’m sure he knows that the reason why this hearing was called was specifically to make those performances. MTG was put in that committee specifically to say those things while Fauci was in the room, in an election year.

    But, since Fauci is a bit of a politican as well as a scientist, he knows he can’t just say that. So he goes and says something that at least suggests to people how weird this all is.

        3126 days ago

        History will forget her.

        How many people remember stupid congresspeople from 30 years ago?

        Imhofe bringing a snowball to the Senate floor, this disproving climate change, for example. You and i and historians might, but average Joe on the street?

        926 days ago

        She’s doing fine. She’s made a bunch of money grifting as a Congresswoman. I hate it also but that’s the reality. She’s doing fine so far and hasn’t been hit with felony charges like other Trumpanzees have.

  • Capt. Wolf
    4226 days ago

    At what point is someone going to say enough with her crazy bullshit and expel her for disorderly behavior? Pretty sure enough people are fed up with her to get a two-thirds…

      26 days ago

      Yeah it’d be nice if everyone was just like “yeah you’re a nuisance and haven’t done anything positive once and only produce negative bullshit constantly so you’re now removed from office and no longer allowed to speak publicly or appear on TV because you obviously bring no good to anyone whatsoever and the world would be a better off place without you in it. If you could just crawl under a rock and die, everyone on earth would appreciate it.”

    3026 days ago

    She’s a stochastic terrorist, as are many of the American far right. They are already responsible for many mass shootings, murders, and threats of violence.

    1126 days ago

    Yeah… that’s all she’s good for and unfortunately we live in a clown based reality now where anyone identifying as a Republican is allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.

    726 days ago

    It sure why the word “unusual” is there, this is typical behavior for the loopy dopey dipshit. Bad built etc.

    26 days ago

    Effortpost that’s going to get misinterpreted and downvoted to hell.

    During the hearing, Greene told Fauci he . . . “belonged in prison” for “crimes against humanity”

    This is a case of accidentally telling the truth by lying twice. Fauci and the CDC massively mishandled the pandemic and lied to the public… by claiming that masks don’t work.

    Masks absolutely do work, there has never been any serious scientific questions about this. It’s a respiratory illness. Countries like China, Vietnam, etc. always knew to use masks, right from the start. But for some reason, in Feb 2020, the surgeon general was tweeting this:

    Masks absolutely do work, but Fauci is on record saying the exact same stuff on 60 Minutes. CNN even ran articles like, “Masks may actually increase your coronavirus risk if worn improperly, surgeon general warns,” and “Masks can’t stop the coronavirus in the US, but hysteria has led to bulk-buying, price-gouging and serious fear for the future,” containing many of the false narratives that would later become core parts of the anti-mask truthers.

    Masks absolutely do work, so why did they do this? Two reasons. First, to cover for the fact that the Trump administration sold off the PPE necessary to be prepared for this eventuality. Second, because Fauci has a history of supporting libertarian policies prioritizing the safety of doctors over the general public. In fact, Fauci didn’t just mishandle one pandemic, he mishandled three.

    During the Ebola outbreak in 2014, Fauci opposed quarantines for doctors returning from treating the illness abroad, calling them “draconian.” Several Democratic governors implemented measures anyway, but there was no federal policy. Ebola is much more deadly than COVID and it could’ve been devastating if we hadn’t gotten lucky or if those quarantines hadn’t been implemented on a local level.

    The third one he mishandled (or rather, the first) was AIDS. I won’t get into details, but Fauci was the NIH director under Reagan, and prominent queer activists were saying things like that he was “a murderer” who “should be put before firing squad”

    These truths have been buried under a mountain of bullshit spewed out by the right, to the point that making these legitimate criticisms of Fauci makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist. But unlike all the anti-mask bullshit, what I’ve said is true and supported by evidence. As someone who studied science in school, I’m ashamed that a scientist would break the public trust in such a way, and the fact that he was able to get away with it and brand himself as some sort of hero of science makes it so much worse. Science is still very reliable, but it can be compromised by politics, and it’s important to verify information from a variety of sources from different countries and international organizations - not just the CDC.

    • Tarquinn2049
      2826 days ago

      He literally didn’t lie, dumb people misunderstood a thing. Go back and look at the post yourself. Don’t just get a second hand opinion of it from a dumb person.

        126 days ago

        I’m not even sure what you’re talking about. I’m talking about all the times he got on television and lied to the public as well as using scare tactics and saying things were based on science when he knew it wasn’t.

        • PahassaPaikassa
          126 days ago

          Can you list top 5 times he went on the tv and knowingly lied?

          And by list I mean the actual lies he told you, not just times hes appeared on tv.

    226 days ago

    to be fair the pandemic handling did fucking suck and ruin lives. there were stories about how people couldn’t say goodbye to dying relatives because of “distancing rules” (which the Washington Post confirmed were basically picked out of thin air, obviously) which is just blatantly inhumane and obviously careless. you’re not building public trust or respect with rules like that. i’d happily get covid if i could say goodbye to my mom before she dies, fuck you.

    • @magi
      26 days ago

      The handling of the pandemic was terrible and was a play on the lives of hundreds of millions that we’re still recovering from today. No point arguing with the basement dwellers of Lemmy, because that’s where they were. I’m no denier or whatever from any stretch of the imagination, but god damn, thinking this was handled appropriately is a very unpopular opinion in the real world.