I am a first time pet owner as an adult so I don’t know a lot but I want the best for my dog.

So my problem is that he breaths heavily when he sleeps and often he has these irregularities in his breathing and he twiches like he has nightmares.

Tonight he was sleeping in my bed while I was relaxing next to him and he started breathing fast and heavy and he was twitching a lot like he had some kind of a seizure. I woke him up and he was fine I hugged him, talked to him and pet him. Then he heard my brother eating and left to find him, so I think he is okay but I am scared that he has something or needs something.

Also we have him in this house about 4 months now. He usually sleeps in the living room (on the couch) alone but the last few weeks he is trying to sleep with as in our bedrooms (on our beds).

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

  • katy ✨
    10 months ago

    it’s most likely dreaming but vets will never yell at you for bringing your pet in when you suspect something is wrong even if there is nothing wrong (heck that’s probably their desired outcome when everything is fine).

    even just calling up your vet and letting them know what you think, they might even be able to reassure you on the phone or decide if it’s better to bring them in for a checkup.