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UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She’s Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

A big biometric security company in the UK, Facewatch, is in hot water after their facial recognition system caused a major snafu - the system wrongly identified a 19-year-old girl as a shoplifter.

      51 month ago

      I still wear a face mask when out shopping… although really it’s more about not breathing the dust flaking off the 400 pound man in pajamas that look like they haven’t been washed since the Obama administration rather than blocking facial ID or reducing the spread of COVID.

    271 month ago

    as big as the circle jerk is here against AI, i think it’s on the whole a good thing if we use it for what it’s actually good at: approximating an answer. but once companies start promising things like security that require 100% accuracy they totally lose me. as someone who has worked on recognition systems i will be opting out so fast to things like facial scan at PoS. it’s not AI because it’s not actually intelligent. you can’t reason with it or change its mind without rigorous training. write some shitty code for me to fix? fine. buy a TV with whatever bs contractor bid the lowest for the facial scanning job? gtfo. startup founders, executives, and managers will promise the moon when they’re so far up their own ass they’ve never even seen it.

      41 month ago

      Definetly! AI is a tool and still needs a human to manage it. It works best when used to augment existing work flows & when used by someone who is able to fine tune what it’s doing when necessary.

      Even AI security could be helpful to flag things for a human to then look into, but giving it complete authority is going to lead to so many issues.

  • @Zorsith
    1 month ago

    Commercial facial recognition should not exist (and yes, I do consider faceID part of that, its a terrible form of 2fa)

    61 month ago

    After looking at the photo with the article, I have to say that I’m glad I live in a society where machines have taken over the burden of drawing dicks onto peoples faces.