• @Altofaltception@lemmy.world
    891 month ago

    We keep being reminded that Israel has a right to defend itself, but nobody has ever explained how killing 30,000 civilians, mostly children, helps Israel defend itself.

    • Jake Farm
      171 month ago

      Was the vietnam war a genocide? The US killed ~600,000 civilians during the Vietnam war.

      • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        461 month ago

        Yes, it pretty clearly was, the fact that they restricted operations to the south out of worry of a Chinese invasion meant that commanders on the ground literally began measuring mission progress entirely by how many Vietnamese people they’d killed in a given period.

      • @Epicmulch@lemm.ee
        330 days ago

        High civilian casualties means genocide. Duh. Hamas wants high civilian casualties. So that way they can make people call this a genocide. That gets people on their side. Hamas literally committed genocidal acts but the number of deaths was much less so people don’t care as much. Hamas was literally targeting Jewish people in general. Israel is targeting Hamas members not Palestinians. Unfortunately Hamas took the last 17 years building tunnels underneath civilians. So there are a lot of unfortunate civilian casualties trying to get to Hamas and its leaders. Israel should do better but I’m afraid it’s very difficult with the logistics of this fight. It’s a terrible situation all the way around.

          • @Count042@lemmy.ml
            129 days ago

            Any nation that intentionally blockades food, medicine, and potable water to a population it considers inconvenient is a government internally committing genocide.

    • Someone on reddit said that hamas used young children to attack israel on october 7th and therefore children are not innocent. I shit you not…

  • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Honestly at this point the settlers have fucked everything too much,

    Israel and Palestine should both be disbanded by force, the leadership of both should be transferred at gun point to the Hague, all their militaries, paramilitaries, blackops whatevers need to be disbanded, and the two states need to be reformed into a single confederation who’s military defense is left entirely to an international coalition force that polices the shit out of the place the way the union policed the south after the civil war before Hayes bumble fucked it.

    We’ve tried to solve this problem with recognizing sovereign rights, now it is time to put the fear of god into anyone who would even dream of trying to keep the fight for total domination over the strip going. Sovereignty and defense independence are for the good little children who don’t try to Lebensraum their neighbors with it.

    Coexistence at gunpoint until the settlers are cowed, the Palestinians have their freedom of movement and shelter re-established sufficiently, and the antidemocratic leaders of both sides blatantly chasing war forever to maintain their own power are hung as examples to future would be tyrants and shit stirrers.

    • @erin
      129 days ago

      Surely this will not cause religious friction. I can see no flaws with this plan.

      Solving a problem of violence with even greater violence seems to be shortsighted at best, and would probably cause more unforeseen future issues. I’m no expert, but surely there must be some nuanced position in between “cheer them on like a cage match” and “total authoritarian control over two peoples.” It just seems so reactionary and extreme to say “oh just forcibly disarm them and make them be nice to each other. With force.” It won’t cure decades of cultural friction and religious tension, and seems a bad precedent to set. On whose authority would this coalition act? They have the absolute power to dissolve two states? Could they do this to anyone they dislike? Where is the line?

      Obviously you weren’t genuinely proposing this as a real solution, but reactionary takes like that just dilute the discussion and inflame emotions.

      • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        129 days ago

        Nah, do it the way they did in the immediate reconstruction era south. Lynch mobbers get the rope and their friends and families get to watch.

        • @erin
          229 days ago

          Jesus Christ. Take it down a notch, if you want anyone to take you seriously. Perpetuating a cycle of violence leads to lasting resentment and hatred. Sometimes violence is necessary to make voices heard, but that’s from the oppressed against the violence of their oppressors. Violence should never be used to control.

          • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
            29 days ago

            It worked in the south, and it’d have kept working too if we hadn’t been dumb enough to let up on their shit.

            Violence is not cyclic inherently, and terrorists are inhuman scum who waste every breath they take, so going full Spartacus over their shit is fully warrantable and highly likely to work.

            Especially with a nice little top off of spacing the effigies to mingle the war criminals amongst each other as they are hand in hand in the oppression of the people.

            Where anyone tries to pick either torch up, crush them, and effigize them all the same. There can be no tolerance for any sort of return to the barbarism we see on display even from before the war.

            You can have any opinion you like, just not supremacism. Supremacists get the rope. Yeah it just keeps going, but for a cause as righteous as reminding supremacists they rightfully ought to fear for their lives under the eyes of decent society, then it is an effort well worth it just keeping on going.

            Fuck the supremacists gonna do? Team up to stop people from stopping the war continuing? That just makes them all the more worthy of final humiliation.

    • @sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
      111 month ago

      Yeah… all of his controversies aside, last time I checked he’s a staunch critic of Zionism.

    • @ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
      91 month ago

      Unless you count “Hamas is also bad, but created by Israel, also Israel is hard to be undone today” kind of takes a Zionism, which tankies also like to, besides the usual bad faith criticism of him being painted as an unironically evil entity.

    • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      171 month ago

      The state of Israel, yes, the Israelis, not even remotely, the answer to genocide isn’t more genocide, it’s coexistence.

      The states of Israel and Palestine must both be dismantled for an internationally defended and policed Levantine Confederation, where all Arabs and Israelis are equal voting citizens.

      • @Socsa@sh.itjust.works
        41 month ago

        The solution is something neither side will agree to? Basically resurrecting Mandatory Palestine?

        Now I’m even more confused.

        • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          41 month ago

          Sovereignty is a right for leaders who don’t have active designs on lebensrauming neighbors’ territory

    • @retrospectology@lemmy.world
      121 month ago

      The only long term resolution is ending Israel as an ethno-state. It’s a European colony built ontop of another group of people’s land, and it’s not just some regretable historical factoid from the distant past, the colonization is happening as we speak. It shouldn’t be talked about in the past tense because there are literally people alive today who were alive when Israel was first fabricated out of thin air.

      It should instead be a state in which both Israelis and Palestinians have equal rights as citizens. No more apartheid state and treating Palestinians as second class citizens.

      A two state solution, while still better than the current situation, is probably the least likely thing to bring peace. Just go look at a map of Palestinian territory as it is now, it has been divided completely into these territorial islands by the Israelis, the map is Swiss cheese. The Israelis did this deliberately to prevent a state from being possible.