• @Dieterlan@lemmy.world
    1431 month ago

    This might be heresy, but I feel like saying that “science isn’t truth, it’s the search for truth”, and “if you disagree it’s not a disagreement, you’re just wrong” is internally inconsistent.

    • @credo@lemmy.world
      1201 month ago

      It needs to be “if you disagree without evidence.”

      They can leave that whole “if you’re not a scientist” bit in the rubbish bin.

      • @wewbull@feddit.uk
        421 month ago

        If you disagree without evidence, you’re not wrong. You can propose an alternative theory that is consistent with existing evidence and it’s just as valid as anybody else’s. The mission is then to find evidence which disproves one theory or the other.

        Conjecture is fundamental.

        • @snooggums@midwest.social
          31 month ago

          Without new evidence, disagreeing with established science is being wrong. Young earth creationists are wrong because they have no new evidence to contradict established science. Even thoigh the age of the earth was scientifically calculated multiple times and could be revised again with new evidence, flat earthers are wrong because conjecture about existing knowlege without evidence is just being wrong.

          • @wewbull@feddit.uk
            41 month ago

            A young earth creationist’s hypothesis does not agree with existing evidence and so your example does not refute my argument.

    • themeatbridge
      211 month ago

      No, that’s the point. Disagreeing is already part of the scientific method. To disagree with science as a whole is to argue with the method, not the findings.

      Imagine two explorers searching for a lost ancient ruins. They come to a path running north/south. One says to go north and the other says south. That’s a disagreement. They are both still explorers seeking discovery.

      A third observer sees them arguing and says “Ah, you don’t know the way. We should not be seeking ruins because I already know what is there. I was told in a dream that the ruins were made by Bigfoot, and he made them invisible and impossible to see. Searching is futile, but I can draw you a map from what I already know is there.”

      That’s not a third opinion of equal validity. It’s not even a disagreement. It’s just being wrong.

      • @Dieterlan@lemmy.world
        41 month ago

        While I do agree with what you’re saying, and it’s a way of reading it I hadn’t considered, I don’t think the distinction is clear from the meme. Then again, it’s just a meme, so my expectations can probably stand to be lowered a bit.

    • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
      131 month ago

      I feel it should say something like “science isn’t ‘unchanging truth’, written in stone, but rather the unending search for truth”.

  • Ephera
    801 month ago

    I once had a colleague who was raised to live by the bible, never questioning it. He was also a massive shitposter. No matter what dumb shit he said, he’d always say that it was just a joke.

    Well, one of the few times when I genuinely caught him off guard, was when I explained that science did not actually claim to know the one and only truth. That it wanted to be proven wrong.

    I think, that idea itself conflicted with his whole world view. Like, I imagine, his parents also raised him to never question their authority.

          • @UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee
            111 month ago

            She’s got a lot of supportive and loving uncles.

            Lucky girl.

            It’s crazy how fucking common the crime is

            EXCUSE ME WHAT

            And how a grown man can just… Tell the cops, it didn’t happen. Case closed.

            Wait, so nothing happened? The cops left him?

            • @BarrelAgedBoredom@lemm.ee
              191 month ago

              That’s an unfortunately common occurrence when the police are brought in for crimes like this. Most sexual abuse is perpetrated by people who have a relationship with the victim, usually family. 1 in 5 women have been raped, a third of those women were raped between the ages of 11 and 17. 81% of women will experience some form of sexual harassment or assault in their lifetimes. Only 20-40% of rapes are reported to the police. Only about half of those result in arrest. 80% of the arrests are prosecuted. 58% of the prosecutions result in conviction. And 69% of the convicted offenders will serve time in jail/prison. So for every 100 rapists, about 3 of them will go to prison.

              source 1 source 2

              • @UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee
                71 month ago

                Uk those times where u see something that changes ur worldview quite a lot? Yea, I think this is it. Didn’t know the world was SO fucked up.

                • @BarrelAgedBoredom@lemm.ee
                  51 month ago

                  I feel that, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I won’t take the opportunity to shill any specific outlook or worldview. Just know that there are people out there who have made it their life’s mission to fix societal ills like these. While it may be tempting to condemn the entire human race, it’s not particularly productive in the long term. The things you’re thinking and feeling now can be turned into action down the road once you’ve had time to process them and deconstruct.

            • I know why people are voting you down, but it’s generally considered bad taste to ask details about sexual abuse. Giving details actually acts as a way for other pedophiles to get off.

              I’ll leave it vague but factual. He was babysitting her when she was young and he molested her. She told my sister about it and she called the cops. The police believed my father and made it a “he said she said” situation between my sister and father.

  • @audiomodder
    481 month ago

    It’s not entirely wrong. There is absolutely a bias in what gets studied simply because it requires money to be given to study most things. For example, it’s why some more natural remedies like taking fish oil to help lower cholesterol took so long to have actual scientific backing; there’s no money in widely available remedies so finding funding to do the study was difficult.

    You can see this really clearly if you look at more politicized areas, like economics. And for what it’s worth, it doesn’t mean that the evidence that’s generated is bad (although the conclusions drawn from it may be), but that it results in a lack of evidence for opposing viewpoints.

    • @Skullgrid@lemmy.world
      181 month ago

      All those studies being funded by mars to make chocolate seem healthy. it was on last week tonight

        • @uberfreeza@lemmy.world
          121 month ago

          Which I find to be such an excellent example. Since red wine has prolonged contact with grape skins, letting it keep a lot of the flavonoids. It’s not incorrect exactly, but you’d still be better off eating grapes or drinking grape juice.

  • @Zozano@aussie.zone
    381 month ago

    The part which annoys me is about intentions.

    Sure, lobby groups do pay off some people with a PhD to lie for them (Patrick Moore), that’s not up for debate.

    But to imply that this is the norm is just ignorant of how research is conducted.

    Most scientists are either employed by a company, working towards a very specific, non contentious goal (like developing cold fusion), or are involved in research at a university, paid for in grants by their government to research whatever has been approved as worthy of investigation.

    Nobody is pressuring these researchers to find evidence to support any particular agenda, the chips land where they fall. There’s no fat cat smoking a cigar telling the climate science team at their local university that they need to find more evidence to crash the petrol stocks so they can sell more solar panels.

    • @Alexstarfire@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Nobody? There are quite a few counter examples. Cigarette and fossil fuel companies have done this quite a lot.

      • @CaptnNMorgan@reddthat.com
        71 month ago

        Isn’t the sugar industry responsible for everyone thinking fat is the main cause of heart attacks instead of sugar?

    • @AeonFelis@lemmy.world
      101 month ago

      There is no need to actually bribe researchers. IT is much more effective to find some that happen to already be in your favor and boost their signal.

      Say that out of 100 scientists of the relevant field, 90 think your product is toxic, two think your product is perfectly safe, and the remaining eight think that the evidence is not strong and/or significant enough to determine the product’s danger. Because as much as we’ve wished science to be clear-cut and deterministic, and as much as the scientific method tries to root it out, human’s opinions and prejudices will always have some effect. Maybe after many decades science will reach a (near) 100% consensus - but your product is still new, so disagreement can still be found.

      You can try to bribe these 98 scientists to say that your product is safe, but that’s a risky move because even if a handful of them has some conscious they can go public with it and you’ll have to deal with bad PR. So instead, you reach out to the two scientists that already think that it is safe. You fund their research, so that they can publish more papers. You send them to conferences all around the world, so that they can talk to other scientists and to journalists and spread their opinion on your product. You get your marketing/PR/social media teams to increase the reach of their publications.

      These two scientists are not being “pressured” - they can still honestly claim that their belief in your product is not a result of the money you spend on them, and that will be true. The thing that is a result of the money you spend on them is their impact. These 90 scientists that warn against your product can’t conduct as many researches, because they need to find funding for these researches themselves. They can’t go to as many conferences, because they don’t have anyone working their connections to get them invited (and to pay for their flight tickets). They don’t have professional promoters advertising their findings.

      So even though only two scientists support you while 90 oppose you, these two scientists have - thanks to your money - more impact on the public opinion than these 90.

      All without any scientist having to utter a single lie.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 month ago

    I mean… Science does sometimes lie. Plenty of research papers out there with fudged results or questionable methodology. Also the fact that scientists don’t always agree with each other on things.

    You should always question authority. Just don’t question the truth once it’s actually been proven.

    • Kalcifer
      1 month ago

      Science does sometimes lie.

      Hm, imo, science doesn’t lie — scientists lie. It need not even be a lie — it could simply be a misinterpretation of data. As long as proper science was done, and documented, reproduction of the experiment will get to the bottom of its accuracy.

    • Match!!
      91 month ago

      Question the proven truth all the time,cas long as you’re not fighting against observations and evidence

      • @ursakhiin@beehaw.org
        31 month ago

        as long as you’re not fighting against observations and evidence without additional observations and evidence.

        Observations and evidence could be non-maliciously incorrect. New observations could be made that invalidate the old after another change in our perception occurs.

        Observations and evidence just show to the best of our abilities at the moment.

    • Queen HawlSera
      81 month ago

      I completely agree, heck there’s also times when all the science is done perfectly but the result is incorrect because the people interpreting the data got Cause and Effect backwards… Or worse, when the data checks out, but violates the current paradigm so much that the academia of the time rejects it out of principle alone and refuses to acknowledge you. (This literally happened when we discovered germs, and the first person to pitch the idea of the Big Bang was mocked over how “religious” the idea sounded, so yes, there’s precedent for this shit.)

  • Kalcifer
    331 month ago

    I agree with

    Science is not truth. Science is finding the truth.

    That being said, you certainly can disagree with a scientific outcome. Good science relies on such types of discussions. If someone has a disagreement, then, by all means, please conduct an experiment to show that it’s wrong, or express your opinion and be open to discussion.

    • @KredeSeraf@lemmy.world
      301 month ago

      I think it’s more about the spirit and legitimacy of the disagreement. “I checked the numbers and stuff seems fishy” is very different than “Facebook told me essential oils cure cancer and doctors are lizards harvesting our brains”. Discussion with people who are also seeking the truth helps. Denial of a point you don’t like because Infowars says otherwise doesn’t.

      • Kalcifer
        129 days ago

        Keep in mind that dismissing an argument as unworthy, is not an argument for why it is unsound. Furthermore, refusing to engage someone’s argument also doesn’t help in pointing them on a better path.

        • @KredeSeraf@lemmy.world
          129 days ago

          Dismissing an argument for lack of substantive foundation is absolutely an argument for why it is unsound. And I am all for pointing someone on another path. Unfortunately the vast, vast majority of people I have encountered in this vein have had this problem with doubling down when presented with evidence contrary to their belief.

          People living with those kind of delusions, that evidence proving their point wrong doesn’t at least warrant a second look, cannot be reasoned with. I reserve my efforts for people with any level of an open mind. Disagreement can be productive, but only when people engage honestly.

          • Kalcifer
            127 days ago

            Dismissing an argument for lack of substantive foundation is absolutely an argument for why it is unsound.

            Sure, the argument could be unsound, but do note that that doesn’t necessitate that the conclusion is also false. That would effectively be an argument from fallacy. Also that isn’t exactly what I was trying to say — I was talking about how some people avoid engaging with certain classes of people because they don’t think that their arguments are worthy — e.g. flat earthers.

            Unfortunately the vast, vast majority of people I have encountered in this vein have had this problem with doubling down when presented with evidence contrary to their belief.

            This is indeed an issue. I’m not entirely sure what its cause is. Perhaps it’s fear of ridicule, or ostracization? I think the best grassroots method to fix it would be teaching and advocating for proper critical thinking skills.

            People living with those kind of delusions, that evidence proving their point wrong doesn’t at least warrant a second look, cannot be reasoned with.

            Dealing with irrationality is a tricky thing. How does one reason with someone who is unreasonable? I personally don’t think abandoning them is the best solution, but, that being said, I also don’t have an alternative.

  • @WolfLink@lemmy.ml
    321 month ago

    While conflicts of interest can and do exist, a lot of, if not most, science is done by grad students who are just trying to get their degree and are really there because they are passionate about discovering new things more than anything else.

  • Queen HawlSera
    1 month ago

    “The Science is settled” and “I believe in Science” are both equally frightening sentences.

    • @King3d@lemmy.world
      81 month ago

      I completely agree. A lot of the time “I believe in science” is usually used in reference to comparing it to feelings or faith, and in those cases it makes sense to say you trust science over someone’s gut feeling or their “own research”. If you are someone who just blindly goes around proclaiming “I believe in science” then you need to go back to school and take a critical thinking course.

      • Queen HawlSera
        41 month ago

        I’ve had people tell me things were impossible because they “Aren’t in our list of known unknowns” or they violate some principle for vague reasons they don’t understand… then a month later an article shows up saying “We proved that thing Sera said was totally possible”

        Scientism is such cringe

      • @InternetPerson@lemmings.world
        21 month ago

        Critical thinking courses would indeed be very great to have.

        Mere factual knowledge transfer is not effective in forming mature and responsible minds if critical thinking is not a focus of education as well.

      • Queen HawlSera
        11 month ago

        Sadly I find people who most proudly preach the wonders of Critical Thinking, are the ones least capable of it.

  • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
    251 month ago

    Ok but there’s a given value of this. I have a friend with a PhD in hpv. On matters of hpv I’m definitely wrong if I’m arguing with her, and same for any matter of microbiology or virology. I’m probably wrong in any argument with her about any biology. But when we start talking physics? Nah I’m an engineer and she studies a cancer virus. I’m more likely to be right about how electricity works. Astrophysics though? We might as well be art majors.

    • @FilthyShrooms@lemmy.world
      111 month ago

      Yea but I’d like to think most people who are educated in 1 field to know to “stay in their lane” so to speak, and trust the experts in other fields.

      • @dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net
        121 month ago

        I’d like to think that too, but I keep being proven wrong. There’s plenty of people who think that their expertise in one realm means they have expertise in many other realms.

    • @The_v@lemmy.world
      101 month ago

      It’s ironic that what most people think of as a highly intelligent person is a polymath aka somebody who is an expert in multiple topics.

      Academia today is designed for extreme specialization of knowledge. So it actively selects against anyone that would be classified as a polymath.

      It’s a pretty big disconnect between expectations and reality.

    • @RubberElectrons@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I think you’re right, and maybe add a modification. As a fellow engineer, I’ll suggest there’s a third option that’s more realistic when it comes to knowledgeable and lay people having a discussion:

      • as mentioned in the meme, scientists can and do learn stuff that improves overall understanding.
      • the quest for improved understanding is usually sparked by a strange or unique observation, sometimes by scientists, sometimes by the much larger population of regular folks
      • Provided there is good intent and respect from both parties, I believe it’s critically important that people who have observed something unique be able to discuss it somehow with people who have particular skill related to that phenomena

      What seems to be missing out of a lot of these misinformation tikTube fights is precisely that fundamental lack of respect. I’ve observed it’s very easy to destabilize a calm discussion with small amounts of inconsiderate speech by people within or outside the discussion. Sometimes it seems purposeful, but the result is a much slowed ability to communicate. That’s bad for us all.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      51 month ago

      Having qualifications doesn’t automatically make you right. Having data and logic makes you right. It is more likely that she is correct in any discussion about her subject of expertise, but having a degree doesn’t make her automatically correct and you automatically wrong. That attitude is the exact opposite of the principles of science.

    • Kalcifer
      1 month ago

      Just because one doesn’t have equal post secondary education in one topic as another doesn’t mean that their arguments are unsound. That’s effectively an appeal to authority.

    • Bob
      21 month ago

      You’re going in the chokey for using an obscure abbreviation without saying what it means.

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        21 month ago

        Oh sorry, it’s a doctorate in philosophy, it means she’s advanced scientific knowledge and has been recognized by the scientific community for it and now has the right to be addressed with the title Doctor.

  • tate
    251 month ago

    That’s literally the opposite of what “theory” means in a scientific context. You know nothing of science and your opinion is wrong.

  • @ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one
    1 month ago

    Sure, science is great and has lead to several great advancements. Science is done by people.

    People will lie, cheat, and steal.

    Big little lies: a compendium and simulation of p-hacking strategies

    In an academic system that promotes a ‘publish or perish’ culture, researchers are incentivized to exploit degrees of freedom in their design, analysis and reporting practices to obtain publishable outcomes [1]. In many empirical research fields, the widespread use of such questionable research practices has damaged the credibility of research results [2–5].

    Wiley’s ‘fake science’ scandal is just the latest chapter in a broader crisis of trust universities must address

    A recent Retraction Watch investigation allegedly identified more than 30 such editors, and kickbacks of as much as US$20,000. Academic publisher Elsevier has confirmed its editors are offered cash to accept manuscripts every single week. The British regulator said in January that one unnamed publisher “had to sack 300 editors for manipulative behaviour”.

    AI Chatbots Have Thoroughly Infiltrated Scientific Publishing

    At least 60,000 papers—slightly more than 1 percent of all scientific articles published globally last year—may have used an LLM, according to Gray’s analysis, which was released on the preprint server arXiv.org and has yet to be peer-reviewed

    It’s important not deify science instead realize that it has issues. We should address those issues to help science become the ideals that we want believe science to have.

    Edit: Missed a word

  • The comment has some merit, some. Look at low fat foods and sugar for instance.

    But I’ll be honest, there’s no “big science” I went to grad school for physics, taught physics, fuck publish or perish.

    I now make a fuckton of money writing code and designing algorithms. Haven’t published in over a decade.

  • SuiXi3D
    201 month ago

    Yes, science is about finding the truth, but we should relish the chance to challenge it. If it holds up, that only strengthens the argument for it. If it doesn’t, everyone learned something new.

    • @jellyfish@beehaw.org
      161 month ago

      Except whenever I see a non scientist challenge science, it’s never with any rigor or substance. They’ll literally be measuring angles off of an example figure posted in a news article as their argument. If you want to help push science forward, you can’t just play gotcha on social media; you actually need to be able to do the math, and show your work.

    • @RGB3x3@lemmy.world
      61 month ago

      The most annoying thing about all those arguments is the complete misunderstanding of what “theory” actually means.

      • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
        21 month ago

        Any argument that centers on the phrase “scientific theory” instantly goes in the trash and should tell you all you need to know about the person making it

      • @InternetPerson@lemmings.world
        11 month ago

        Sometimes a common error, as people just have a rather ordinary interpretation on the meaning of the word “theory” and sometimes it’s an intentional attempt of discrediting.

        Words can mean different things in different contexts. A scientific theory is not the same as the general or ordinary every-day meaning of “theory”.

        Classic example and mistake by followers of creationist religions: “evolution is just a theory”.

        Well, what if I told you, that, for example, our modern electronic means of communication are part of the wide field of “information theory”?