• cowboycrustation [he/him]
    141 month ago

    I would be much more concerned about domestic terrorists than foreign terrorists at this point.

    • Plume (She/Her)
      51 month ago


      I wish I could say I didn’t have this thought in the back of my mind every time I go to one, but I’d be lying. Too many events were cancelled because of threats. However, I’d also say that if anything, it gives me even more to reason to go. I refuse to be scared out of participating.

      I’m really thankful to my local anti-fascist groups for always being there, on the lookout for incoming dipshits and overall, doing what cops won’t do for our safety.

      I don’t always go, I’ll admit, but I try to. Depends on my stress level that day.

  • katy ✨
    81 month ago

    also domestic terrorists too tbh