Alt text:

This PSA brought to you by several would-be assassins who tried to wave me in front of speeding cars in the last month and who will have to try harder next time.

      361 month ago

      Some of them yes, the real shitty version of this is the 65mph divided highway where you can reel they just plopped a highway down in a rural area crossing over a bunch of country roads so instead of spending a shit load of money on overpasses you get the pleasure of merging directly into a actual highway. I’ve never actually had a problem at one of those because they’re always in the middle of nowhere but you really get to test your cars acceleration when you find one.

        141 month ago

        There is also the stroad that is basically what you describe only with entrances to and exits from business parking lots every couple of car lengths.

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      161 month ago

      Am American, the intersection design itself didn’t register to me at all. They’re like this pretty often yeah

        91 month ago

        I’m so used to roundabouts and red lights. They’re annoying for the lone driver, but add a bit of traffic and they move everything along so much smoother.

          41 month ago

          Round abouts are showing up in US cities. Unfortunately we’re too dumb to know how to drive in a circle, so they just end up causing confusion.

      141 month ago

      I live in Tennessee… the scenario in the old is so common I saw it 4 times yesterday. It’s in every town, city, metro area here. There is no planning, no thought to motorists… They only apply a light once public outcry gets to the point where city officials can’t ignore it any longer.

      The town my wife is from has an intersection like above. It killed ~30 people over the years before a traffic light was installed.

      1 month ago

      That’s it’s very much normal.

      When I was teaching my older son to drive, I took him through it. My recommendation: “Never turn left at it. Turn right and find a safer way to go the other way.”

      When he got to the interchange the guy in front of him tried to turn left and got hit immediately.

      1 month ago

      Yes, and the only safe (and often time-saving) answer is to just turn right and then make U-turn later. Fortunately we have “right on red” as a legal maneuver here, so that softens the blow a bit. And yes, a civilized response to this nonsense would be a roundabout but we’re mostly allergic to those (they are gaining traction in places though).

      Often, these intersections rely on traffic lights to be navigable during anything resembling normal traffic. Without it, it’s also kind of miserable for everyone waiting for oncoming traffic to clear in order to turn.

      The only time I’ve witnessed this “wave someone out” technique as a good thing was where two-lane road traffic was too dense for local traffic to join. But that’s a regional thing in the US (around Massachusetts by my reckoning). At the same time I’ve also seen folks there blindly apply that grace to situations where it does not belong, like highway on-ramps.

      Also, while we’re talking about safety, don’t forget the 45mph delta between the stopped lane turning left and the traffic whizzing by mere inches from the stopped cars. Some places have a wide raised curb between these two lanes, but most do not.

      51 month ago

      Lots of American roads are like this. Generally you are better off making a right turn and then a U turn at a traffic light. I don’t bother turning left at an intersection like this unless there is no traffic.

    401 month ago

    Once had a motorist furiously shout, wave and honk his horn at me because he hadn’t checked his mirrors to see that his generous offer involved me cycling directly under the wheels of a bus. I live in London. It was a bright red double-decker. He hadn’t seen it.

      191 month ago

      If he didn’t see a bright red double decker bus, and he was behaving irresponsibly contrary to traffic patterns, he needs to have his driving privileges revoked.

  • Lemongrab
    1 month ago

    This is how I got hit on my bike, except I wasn’t waved at. I was in the bike lane and a truck ahead of me waved to a car to drive across. I would be close to were the car going 45mph is in the picture. Car pulled across and by the time i could see the car it was too late. I mashed into the side of the car right as it was crossing the bikelane and was bounced backwards by the force, smacking hard backwards onto the asphalt.

    Safe biking out there.

    • Don’t ride in bike lanes. They’re usually death traps. Ride in the road where you can be seen. Follow the rules of the rode like any other vehicles

    151 month ago

    Driving is about predictability. You don’t do that bullshit in the first place. Same way with “slowing down for people getting on the highway.” It’s their responsibility to speed up to highway speeds. If they aren’t going fast enough by the time they need to enter, they yield, not you.

      1 month ago

      If they aren’t going fast enough by the time they need to enter, they yield, not you cut across the stripes, nearly hit the impact attenuator, and run the car behind you into the next lane.

      For what it’s worth, I agree with you. Safe driving is about being predictable. But defensive driving is about predicting what others are likely to do. And oftentimes, the answer to “what is this driver near me about to do” is “attempt negligent vehicular manslaughter.”

  • Blaster M
    1 month ago

    Can confirm, US small towns with the mega giant superhighway going through it will have these exact intersection designs. A turn lane in a divided, but no accel space. Best bet is to yield / stop in the halfway point to check traffic before going for it.

    91 month ago

    This goes the other way too: don’t wave someone unless you’re completely sure it’s safe. I wish more driving schools actually taught things like this.

    • Tedrow
      191 month ago

      Just don’t wave anyone. Seriously, like the image says, the right of way is not yours to give.

        51 month ago

        technically the right of way is something that MUST be yielded to you. a traffic light cannot grant you ROW if someone is barreling through it. the light only guides who should yield it.

        the issue with the waver in this comic is that, while they are yielding ROW for their own lane, there’s four other fucking lanes that they cannot control

        1 month ago

        I don’t have a driver’s license, so I’m not knowledgeable in the topic, but aren’t there situations where the decision is deferred to the drivers? For example when 4 drivers of the same class arrive at an intersection without signage at the same time, with each having one of the other drivers to their right, with all of them wanting to go straight ahead, with none of them being a tiebreaker.

        • Tedrow
          11 month ago

          Certain circumstances, yes. The comic depicted is not a four way stop. The person turning onto the road does not have right of way over someone turning left onto their street.

    81 month ago

    We need one of the classic xkcd comics with ten examples of something, just this kind of junction in different countries.

    The UK would have traffic lights and staggered pedestrian crossings.

  • Plap plap 𓁑𓂸
    71 month ago

    There’s an road with an intersection exactly like this that I commute to work on everyday, with the only difference being that it has a 35 mph limit.

    Upon reflection though, when I have been in the leftmost car’s position, I have never ever turned left onto the three lane road. Still though, this road is not usually busy and you can easily see over the road division.

    I have seen people floor it just barely in front of me when they turn to the left though, but that’s just because they’re impatient, not because someone waved them on.

    51 month ago

    Some absolute imbicile waved a child across straight into the path of a car outside a school just the other week. Thankfully only broken bones. A few months before that a resident on the same street drove straight into the back of my parked van. Their reasoning was that the windscreen was all fogged up. Drivers scare the shit out of me.