Fuck this guy, but that shredder is so tiny and silly. That shredder did not deserve to be brought into this situation.

  • Gormadt
    111 month ago

    When I used to play MTG one of the LGSs I used to play at had a policy of, “If you play with proxies they much be cleared by the judge first.”

    Almost everyone with anime proxies got told they couldn’t use them due to them almost always being NSFW. The people with sharpied basics almost never got turned down. The anime proxy dudes who got turned down always got pissed when they got told no.

    They were pretty good on a lot of things but the regulars who’d show up to games were eventually the reason I stopped going there.

    I do miss MTG sometimes but I don’t miss the local MTG groups at all.

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
      71 month ago

      Yeah I’ve got my own playgroup, and while it’s got its own problems, I think it’s still so much better than playing with some salty randos at the LGS.

      Regarding proxies, I bought a couple non-sexy ones on etsy so I wouldn’t have to take my most valuable cards with me, and now like 50% of my recommendations are big tiddie anime proxies. Even my search results have them inserted, even when I search for something completely unrelated. That site is wack.

        • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
          51 month ago

          I like it!

          I ended up discovering this site called printing proxies where you can create your own design, and I think I’ll use that from now on.

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
      51 month ago

      “If your enemy is more powerful, distract them with massive anime tiddies” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War or something idk I never read it