Salutations from a complete novice. What’s your recommendations to get started?

Note: A FLGS in town actually has a mini-painting workstation that you can use for $5/session, or as part of their monthly subscription for playing TTRPGs onsite. Since I play PF2E there several times a week I have that subscription. So I have a place to paint that’s already kitted out with just about anything you could need for mini-painting. (I think they charge extra if you want to add stuff like grass, sand, etc. to the mini, but the primer, paints, sealers, etc. are all included.)

I have two awesome minis arriving soon that are unpainted, so I’m looking for online sites/videos that start from “I know nothing” and work up from there.

Thanks in advance for any and all guidance you can provide!

    1 year ago

    Thin your paints.

    If the LGS station offers a wet palette make sure to use it or have someone explain it to you if it feels confusing.

    Nowadays we have tons of fairly specialised chemistry at our hands, often designed specially for miniatures. If you have this option ask around about contrast paints and their analogs from other companies as they sometimes make painting much easier.

    Most of the time it is possible to strip paint from a miniature if you’re unhappy with a result. It usually means cleaning the entire mini, but keep in mind that a “reset button” exists and ab unsatisfactorily painted mini is not wasted.

    If you want to try to paint a detailed face either start painting with face or even better don’t attach head if the mini is not pre-assembled. Makes it easier to clean up and manouver around.