• @venusaur@lemmy.world
      122 months ago

      He has no incentive to do better. It’s him or Trump and he knows most democrats have bought into fear politics. He has the vote no matter what. I’m personally voting for neither. And please save your time trying to convince me otherwise.

      • @RIPandTERROR
        42 months ago

        Honestly though, Venusaur is really the worst pokémon, and this move has the smallest pp in the series.

        • @venusaur@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          After 40 years of a happy life you find out your whole life has been some sort of twisted Truman show. After 20 years of being on the show you’ve forgotten all about the big red button you push every night before you go to sleep. It has become a habit. The big red button sits next to a green button that says “Venusaur is the best Pokemon”. Each night you must choose one and the big red button gases you and makes you forget the last 30 minutes right before you go to sleep.

          On the first day of the 41st year you get a knock on the door. It’s a woman in her 30’s wearing a tight fitting Venusaur t-shirt. She tells you it was her little brother’s and you finally find out after 40 years of a happy life that each time you press the red button you cause the brutal death of a child.

          You are devastated, run upstairs and press the green button. Venusaur appears and you disappear from a Solar Beam. The most powerful attack in the history of the franchise.

      • @survirtual@lemmy.world
        12 months ago

        Good for you for having a reasonable mind in defiance of the system and the countless, unfortunately brainwashed thralls that continue to support it.

        A no-vote is a vote against a tyrannous and oppressive system. Every 4 years is a new “emergency, vote for the lesser of two evils!!!” And every 4 years, we descend more rapidly into authoritarianism.

        Do not participate in this system created by slavers. Put your energy elsewhere. Can’t we do better today? Put your energy into better.

        Attention is currency. Around the world, we need to stop giving these tyrants attention. Corporations have record profits yet the prices of food keep increasing, wages stay stagnant, mass layoffs are occurring, and the global temperature keeps increasing. They do not care, because they have hoarded all your attention and power, and they use it to make a nee world for them.

        Their “governments” that they make you think are actually yours, serve that machine of their safety. You are in the meat grinder, and they consume the meat.

        The grinder is perfectly balanced. Every vote for the side you think is benevolent gets balanced by a vote against it. You will NEVER have an impact on change within the system. The best thing any individual can do is STOP. Opt out of the system. Live closer to nature and form new, self-sufficient communities.

        A no-vote is just the beginning of opting out. The PEOPLE have the power, not a slaver-created mechanism they call a “government”.

        • capital
          92 months ago

          Boy, this is a long way to say “don’t vote”.

          Hey, anyone reading this. Consider why randoms on the internet might be telling you not to vote.

          • @survirtual@lemmy.world
            12 months ago

            Little girl,

            You aren’t voting. Go stand in line to cast a paper ballot that you can’t verify is even counted for one of two hand-selected-by-the-elite, who don’t give two schlicks about you or your community, and keep pretending you’re “voting” for something.

  • HubertManne
    652 months ago

    the economy is not great but he has changed the trajectory. it took obama two terms to normalize after bush jr and unfortunately it was not so great that trump did not make it way worse. ironically mostly by not continuing gradual interest rate increases which forced the severe ones now.

  • Omega
    412 months ago

    Public demand and competition drove prices down. Since Covid reset prices, and stockholders demand growth, companies will continue to price gouge until customers say it’s enough.

    This is just what capitalism looks like.

    • @PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
      592 months ago

      The problem is where things are getting the most expensive, that being food and housing, the markets are captured. You can’t just say no to having food and housing.

      This is where regulation is supposed to step in.

      • Jimmybander
        112 months ago

        Corporate ownership of housing is a major problem that no legislator seems to be handling. The Feds should start building and selling houses to individuals themselves. I believe that is one way to lower housing costs and increasing private ownership.

      • @iopq@lemmy.world
        62 months ago

        Food tracks the general inflation closely, it hasn’t actually gone up faster than the inflation in any meaningful way

        • sylver_dragon
          2 months ago

          Food tracks the general inflation closely

          That’s a fine bit of bit circular logic there. The price of food is used in the BLS’s basket of goods for calculating the Consumer Price Index (CPI). So yes, the goods used to track inflation do, in fact, track with inflation.

          That said, the US economy (at a macro level) is doing rather well considering that we weathered a global pandemic, we have a war on in Europe involving one of the world’s major oil and gas suppliers and inflation has been stubbornly high. Yet somehow, wages are up and unemployment is at historic lows. Seriously, if the administration could actually do something about the housing situation and prices rising, this election would look a lot more like 2008 than 2016. But unfortunately, people vote based on how they feel, not on an analysis of macro-economics. So long as people fell like the gains they have made are being squeezed back out of them via rising prices, the incumbent president is in trouble. When you get down to it, it’s still the economy, stupid.

            • HubertManne
              22 months ago

              most of the increases were actually before this last year. im not sure that is the best time frame. at least for me the big effects where seen in a year or two of inflation but its tapped down now comparatively.

              • @iopq@lemmy.world
                12 months ago

                Yeah, when Russia was blocking the Black Sea and Ukrainian farmers couldn’t get the grain out. Can only blame Biden for not shipping enough weapons to Ukraine

    • prole
      72 months ago

      Public demand and competition drove prices down.

      Prices have never gone down.

      Costs for the corporations may have, but that has never (and will never) been passed on to customers.

      • It’s not hard to find examples of products where prices have gone down. Prices for literally all electronic goods have been decreasing for a long time, for example.

        • @Zorsith
          22 months ago

          Price for performance in electronics has gone down: the end device has only gone up.

  • @Phegan@lemmy.world
    282 months ago

    The way that we measure the economy is disconnected from the quality of life of most residents.

    The economy is “good” when the rich are getting richer.

  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    182 months ago

    So the system isn’t broken and needs fixed, it’s working as designed and needs destroyed. Got it.

  • @moitoi@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    132 months ago

    Neoliberalized Democrats wouldn’t say better. This why people doesn’t trust and believe in them anymore. They became neolib like every others and they are chasing the myth of the middle voter.

    One result is abstention. The second is people voting for the far right.

  • Veraxus
    112 months ago

    Rent is outrageous and getting worse every year. The dream of owning a home is dead for my generation (xennials) and newer. Utilities and other basic costs of living have skyrocketed and continue to get worse. The environment is starting to fall apart and insurance companies are starting to drop people, refuse coverage, and skyrocket rates when it IS available. Fascists continue to dismantle any and all social safety nets while pushing tax burdens onto lower income households, cutting their own tax responsibilities, and also creating inventive ways to loot public coffers.

    Cancelling a little bit of student debt (without ever solving the core problem, btw) isn’t “turning around” - it’s barely a wiggle on the steering wheel. We’re all screwed and nobody is doing anything about it.