In its first-ever earnings call as a public company, Reddit talked about user growth in non-U.S. countries using LLMs for automatic translations.
I’m sure the French will appreciate what is done to their language by this project lol.
Ouin non pas sûr là…
So that’s why. I speak French and I’ve seen google results going to 100% French Reddit posts but somewhat strange.
Then by searching a little more you can find the original thread, in English.
The translations are ok-ish but feels a bit out of tone. Like translating internet “slang” in word to word French. And also seeing redditors writing too well. Something feels off.
TLDR: fuck you Spez, I am still looking for the OP language when I land onto your website.
Honnêtement je pense que ce serait une bonne idée si c’était clair que c’était traduit et si il y avait un bouton pour revenir a l’original (et vice versa) En ce moment ça semble un peu manipulateur
Tout à fait d’accord, c’est trompeur.
EN: Yep, it feels like a scam where you can find plenty of french speakers whereas it is not. If you’re coming from a search engine you can think that Reddit is a french social network, nothing is telling you that what you are reading was AI translated. It feels like a disguised shit with bleu blanc rouge colours.
C’est vraiment wtf.
cant create an effective search, but llm translation is on the table? hhhokay
Proper search is for people who know what they are doing. Translation is probably there to get more traffic from google
I deleted all of my reddit accounts some time ago, but last I recall there were already a bunch of French people using it lol I’m sure a bunch of inaccurate clinical AI translations will really help though…
Yup, and plenty of us moved here on an awesome url. (literally “I’ve read it”)
C’est actif comment?
C’est actif normal pour Lemmy j’ai envie de dire. Petit mais ça avance.
Je te laisse explorer le fil local mais il y a plusieurs commu avec des gens assez actifs. C’est un peu un petit club de copain qui essaie de s’agrandir.
Je te conseille de regarder ! ou voir l’activité de (ou de ses nombreux alts, celui-ci est le plus récent je crois).
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