All cheap smartphones have a fingerprint sensor but all laptops dont have one. Is it because of security concerns or spacing reasons?

  • Moxvallix
    242 months ago

    The following is just my own assumptions, take with a grain of salt.

    Phones are often taken out to perform a quick task, then stashed back in a pocket/bag many times a day. As such, being able to unlock a phone quickly is a rather useful feature.

    On the other hand, laptops are usually taken out to be used for larger tasks, and as such, do not need to be unlocked as often.

    Fingerprint scanners add less value to a laptop than they do a phone.

  • key
    202 months ago

    There are absolutely laptops with fingerprint sensors.

    I’d say the main reason it’s more common in phones than computers is because of the different markets. Phones are mostly consumer purchases, the business market is smaller and the software is more locked down so you can rely on a software disable better sufficing for those cases. Laptops are increasingly dominated by business use cases. Businesses have IT groups that care about security who would prefer models without biometrics.

    Secondarily, you login to your phone a lot more often than laptops so the convenience factor is less impactful for laptops. So people don’t consider the fingerprint sensor a mandatory requirement as much as with phones.

    192 months ago

    What about the fact that fingerprints make great usernames but trash passwords? Perhaps the poor security and extra hardware and software are enough to discourage makers, they can add a variant with a FPS and if that doesn’t sell at all they won’t make many others.

      2 months ago

      Right. Fingerprint is something you are. Can’t be changed. Same for any biometric.

      Useful as one part of a multiple factor authentication scheme at best but never on its own. Not to mention there are cases in the US where you can be compelled, forcibly if needed, to unlock a phone. But compelling you to “say” what your password may be covered under fifth amendment protections.

      • FuglyDuck
        52 months ago

        Not to mention it’s very unlikely that you have secrets on the phone as valuable as your thumb.

        12 months ago

        This is why I only use biometrics for website passwords and the App Store on my Apple devices. To unlock requires a password, which cannot be forced (though at least one judge kept a man in jail for contempt of court for not unlocking a device, which should be illegal under the fifth imo).

  • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
    152 months ago

    2 assumptions:

    You need to unlock your phone more frequently than your laptop.

    It’s easier to type in a password on a real keyboard than on a small software keyboard.

    152 months ago

    All Mac laptops do. And my work Windows PC looks like it has one but the company was too cheap to pay for it, so all it has is a spot that looks like a fingerprint sensor.

  • originalucifer
    132 months ago

    money. laptop assembly lines are very diversified even within the same line of laptops to include/not include components to save on price. phones are more fully integrated preventing such customization.

    ie, it saves money. you want it, you get to pay for it

  • Cosmic Cleric
    112 months ago

    PC Hardware makers/sellers think about saving every last penny they can, to improve and maintain their profit margins.

    Cell phone makers/sellers don’t have that same requirement as much, as cell phones can be sold or be subsidized for with higher profit margins, so they can feel more relaxed with including more features.

    Finally, it may just come down to cell phone OS companies Google and Apple pressuring cell phone makers to include that hardware, where there is no equivalent organizations for PC Hardware makers.

    Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

    2 months ago

    “All cheap smartphones have fingerprint sensors”

    That is what’s known as begging the question.

    Could also be considered a strawman in this case.

    52 months ago

    Most phones auto-lock after <1 minute while laptops tend to go unlocked for hours at a time so laptops don’t need to compromise on their security.

    Fingerprint sensors are awful for security.

  • pelya
    52 months ago

    Laptop has keyboard, you can type your password with the same speed as pressing your finger and waiting for it to unlock.

    Most casual users won’t even know that their laptop has a fingerprint sensor.

    When a company needs a proper security, they buy every user a hardware token like Yubikey.

    But most of all, it comes down to the tradition. Manufacturers won’t add fingerprint scanner because users do not demand firgerprint scanner. Users do not demand fingerprint scanner because they are used to have no fingerprint scanner. Try removing a fingerprint scanner from a phone, you’ll see your sales drop like a brick.

  • @Catoblepas
    52 months ago

    When fingerprint tech first hit the consumer market (I want to say early/mid 00s?) it was more common to see laptops with fingerprint sensors. I think they fell out of favor for security reasons, IIRC at one point Mythbusters had an episode where they fooled it.

      52 months ago

      It is actually quite nice. You sudo something in the terminal and can just swipe your finger to the reader without needing to type your password.

  • Dr. Moose
    12 months ago

    Cause typing in a password on a real keyboard is just as fast if not faster than a fingerprint scan.