Well, I’m glad I didn’t end up buying it last week like I wanted to. I decided to wait another paycheck instead.
Saved me wasting time or money.
Honestly people shit on review-bombing over specific incidents but this is the kind of thing that 100% deserves it.
“Oh no, finding out!” - corporation that fucked around probably
Review bombing is getting people to review something a certain way without them having have experienced the thing.
Basically a small group think their own opinion is so important, they try to convince as many people as possible to vote the same to make it seem more people share their opinion.
These reviews were from players who actually played the game and got affected by the changes. It isn’t review bombing, their opinions are valid.
Plenty of review bombing as the method protests can be valid. It’s just a method. It so happens that many of them are stupid, but ultimately that’s just how it goes.
Not really, at least on Wikipedia the page for review bombing and the one listing significant ones make no distinction between actually having played the game/watched the movie or not.
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I am curious how this is going to effect the number of active players. I know a lot of people who were trying to get me to play this saying it was here to stay and not a trend like a Lethal Company but I feel like this hurdle might be enough to get them to give up.
I definitely have a low level of tolerance for Russian nesting dolls of accounts and launchers.
I’d be surprised if it really has much of an impact on number of players tbh.
Most people don’t care, Lemmy/Reddit are a vocal minority.
The game racked up over 10k negative reviews in 90 minutes yesterday. People are pissed. There’s also the issue of PSN only being available in a about a third of all countries.
I just uninstalled the game over this and I have 350+ hours.
They fumbled a (bigger) bag with this whole dungeon master Joel meme. This will be the last straw for many.
The player base is tearing itself apart with conservatives getting genuinely furious about the Creek incident and team-killing participants on sight while everyone else just wants to have fun playing the game.
With things like these you need to lean HARD away from the idiot fascists in all media out of game. They did not, and are reaping the consequences.
What in the world happened? I played a lot in the first few weeks and remember the Creek situation as just being some people who played that planet constantly. How tf did real world politics come into that situation specifically?
There was a major order that barely failed because people were playing on Creek instead of defending supply lines.
Yeah I know about that, like I indicated in my comment up there. How in the world do conservatives factor into that situation? That’s what the commentor above said and I’m curious.
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There was a major order that barely failed because people were playing on Creek instead of defending supply lines.
The supply lines were Creeking when people tried to play? Oh no. Why is that bad?
Out of curiosity, what was the Creek incident? The initial fight for Malevelon?
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There was a major order that barely failed because people were playing on Creek instead of defending supply lines.
Ahhh, thanks for clarifying! Figured it was ridiculous lmao
Yeah even if some people keep playing. Someone like myself who was entertaining of getting it would be turned off by seeing negative reviews (why go through the drama if I’m on the fence?).
Vocal minority is the assumption when this sort of collective outrage manifests. This time though, thanks to Steam player count we will actually get some hard numbers and see if that has an effect or not.
At current, there are 32k negative reviews. That’s 32,000 people angry enough to go add or modify a review to be negative. The active player base is 100k. As far as “vocal minority” goes…
Yeah but how many are bark and no bite? Eg, they’ll write the review, but keep playing anyway. That will take some time to find out.
I don’t think it will affect the current playerbase too much. But I think the negative rating on steam will have an effect on sales.
I think said “most people” will care once the game forces them to register for a PSN account.
I signed into an old PSN account when I first downloaded the game near launch. It is in game. No launcher. I signed in once and forgot about it until right now. Not really a big deal. If your worried about security make some bogus email up and make an account that way. But other than signing in one time it hasn’t been a deal. 🤷♂️
Yeah, I used my old PS3 account. I didn’t even think twice about it. I’m not sure why people are freaking out about it?
I play with a couple of friends in the Baltics. I have PSN. There is no PSN in the Baltics. So I guess I can’t play with the friends I solely bought this game for.
Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s silly to complain about this.
Can they not create a Playstation account regardless of PSN service availability?
No because it is not available in their country, and making an account with a region different from your Steam account would have inherent EULA risks.
Hopefully Sony will see this as the biggest problem and do something about it. I don’t think these people should have been able to spend money on this for it to be taken away, but that’s a storefront issue as well. Steam and Sony will have to make some decisions about this, cause it wasn’t thought out and implemented very well. They should’ve had some stronger safeguards.
I didn’t even think twice about it. I’m not sure why people are freaking out about it?
They thought about it twice
This is not a hurdle, its a nuisance at best. It’s stupid though.
I know at least two people who live in countries w/o PSN support and can’t play now. This is a hurdle.
Crossplay is mandatory, and linking an account for crossplay was always mandatory, they had issues at launch, paused the requirement, and are now reestablishing it.
Thats kinda on them, or for Steam for selling it in their location, but they probably bypassed that to get the game.
From launch until now, creating a PSN account was optional due to technical issues. And while this wasn’t properly conveyed to the playerbase, the game was sold in tons of regions where you straight up can’t make a PSN account. Something like 50+ out of 123 regions where the game was sold cannot make PSN accounts. And using a VPN or lying about your region to make an account is a bannable offense.
The privacy complaints I have more of an issue with since GameGuard, the DRM used, is just as much, if not more, of a privacy issue compared to Sony’s horrible data security and invasive data harvesting. GameGuard has kernel level access to the entirety of your system while it’s running, usually installs itself as an on boot up background process, and has been caught by anti-virus software editing files outside of the game directory.
The first is a genuinely refund worthy issue, if not a class-action lawsuit in the making, while the second one is people being ignorant to how much data they’re actually giving away.
I’m curious how you are so bold to say something as patently false as your first sentence with such confidence knowing that anyone with the game can deactivate it in settings and it works without a PSN account anyway.
This is on PC and unlike some other ported PS games I don’t think there is an option to play offline I imagine a lot of people are going to be creating PSN accounts I’d say that’s a hurdle for some people.
Well, a number of countries will be forced out, simply because PSN is not available there. Especially the philipinos seem so be quite upset.
PSN is available in 69 countries around the world. (Source: https://www.playstation.com/country-selector/index.html)
right now there are (roughly) 190 independent countries in the world.
The whole of Africa (except for SA; thanks to u/ItzOnza), Egypt and even european countries like Belarus don’t have PSN.
The Baltics - states that are part of the european union - are also excluded.
These people can’t create accounts.
Ive been waiting to get helldivers until I had a bit of spare cash.
Now I’m not gonna get it.
Just like I don’t want 50 different streaming services, I dont want 15 different launchers open just to play a game.
There’s no launcher as far as I know, just a linked account.
I didn’t get the game because it’s packed full of all the terrible corporate stuff you see in terrible corporate games. Always Online, Rootkit anticheat, in-game store to purchase items when the game is already expensive. I doubt adding “must give your information to Sony” is going to be the tipping point for anyone who is fine with everything else.
Why does a fully cooperative game needs an anti-cheat software in the first place. I don’t give a fuck about cheaters as long as its not competitive. Deep rock galactic for example works great without all of this bullshit.
To prevent people from spawning in unreleased content that is in the game, giving their group the maximum cap of in-game currency, and so on. Tamps down on the boosting market.
If i happen to encounter such stuff, i just leave. And for stuff like moneycheat that would affect my savegame, DRG for example provides a couple of backupsaves to roll back. So i can easily avoid being affected by cheaters and if others want to cheat, i just don’t mind. But i would mind having to install a rootkit of questionable origin.
Exactly. That’s why I play with cross play off on PS5, but I also think PC players shouldn’t get locked out if they can’t make an account in their country, so in my eyes that’s the big fuck up. And it’s Sony’s fault, not Arrowhead. They should foot the community wrath and the remedy.
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As I said in another comment I think it’s more about people having to create another account.
I also don’t know how or if PSN integration is going to impact matchmaking.
Playing not online is miserable
Waaaaaaa anti cheat
The in game store requires zero to actual money and is probably the most fair one to date.
Game is expensive (it’s the standard price?)
Jesus cry more about something you haven’t even done.
I bought the game on release week. I don’t play often but when I do it’s with friends. After hearing about this incident my plan was to wait a few days or a week to see how it resolves before deciding if I want to refund the game. However, enough of my friends have already refunded the game that, if they don’t come back, I likely won’t be playing much if at all anyway so I’ll probably refund the game this week as well, especially if nothing changes.
Sony has a record of not respecting its workers, users or consumers.
2005 Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal
Now they want more userdata and kernel level anticheat. Surely there is no way for this to backfire
You missed some https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/
Is the last two their fault? They were attacked.
Yes. Their platform, their security. Their failure to secure their users data is solely their fault. Notice that other platforms don’t have this issue. You’d think after the first one, they’d fucking pony up and take security seriously. Sony didn’t learn anything.
If it was just one event, I’d advocate for leniency. But Sony doesn’t get that from me.
The last two were because Sony was storing personal data. This store made them a target.
Like the personal data they require when you sign up to PSN to play Helldivers 2.
If they don’t collect data, they wouldn’t be such a juicy target. So, yes, it is partly their own fault because they took the known risk of storing personal information.
They played with fire and got burned … more than once.
Source: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/privacy-policy/
Another victory lap for patient gamers.
There is a lifetime of content to consume without taking video games or the internet into account. You are optional.
I just started BioShock Infinite. I am only a few years behind.
Bioshock Infinite is 11 years old
Pretty fun so far. Bonus, it runs at 4k 144fps highest graphics.
But if you were impatient and played it on release you could have played it without requiring a PSN account.
And now they would need to fight for a refund, only some people got it, others are on their 5th try.
Patient gaming is great for single player games. Not so much for live service.
You say that, but it clearly worked here. And, for live service games in general, playing The Waiting Game™ lets you see how bullshit said live service ends up becoming after a awhile.
I was waiting until some sort of offline mode since I’ve been burned by The Crew, I don’t think it’s happening considering how anal they are being about a PSN account.
I remember when it came out people were saying it’s anti-cheat was basically malware. Denuvo, I think?
Anyway, it’s disappointing because I hear it’s a truly great game. But between this and that, I think I’m soured on the idea of playing.
An hour after this announcement was made, a tiny update was pushed via GamGuard to steam players and now there’s a .DLL file that’s being flagged by antivirus as a malware. My AV detects and cleans the file, making the game completely broken. There a Steam discussion about this issue and, surprise surprise, the file in question is used by GameGuard.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with Sony’s recent announcement of their patent for biometric harassment detection.
They’d ban themselves lol
That’s exactly why I purchased the game on ps5 instead of PC. And now I also don’t have to worry about this issue.
Good for you? The post isn’t about people like us playing on PlayStation, it’s about people like my buddies I play with that thought they were good to go with their steam accounts and are now being railroaded a few months later by having to give their data to PSN, who is notorious for not managing said data well.
“It’s in the ToCs”, you might say, which is only highlighting a broader issue where you basically have to wade through pages of legal bullshit to just play a game you bought and not get fucked by the EULA.
Well said.
Well that might work, if I had a PS5 laying about.
Data is beautiful.
Wow what the fuck has happened?!
They’re mandating you have a playstation account to play on PC. That was always in the terms, and on the steam page, but you didn’t have to. Until very recently.
And if you don’t live in one of the 65 countries where PSN operates, you can go fuck yourself, because your game just stopped working.
Wow fuck all that
Can’t you just use an US account though? I don’t mean to say that this isn’t a major issue as it is, but are you really blocked from linking it? I don’t live in the US but I have a us pen account since forever
That would be violating the terms of service, and could presumably get your Helldivers 2 account banned.
I’m aware of this, but I’ve never heard of this being enforced outside of people trying to use credit cards of other regions, and they only resulted on temporary suspensions.
My question is on the enforcement of the linking. Does it stop you from doing something like this?
Violation of PSN terms of service.
Also worth point out that up until yesterday, Sony said a PSN account wasn’t it required to play games games on PC. They changed it shortly after the backlash.
Sony dropped an announcement requiring PSN accounts, even for PC players with no cross play enabled, presumably because it makes the numbers look better to their shareholders. Apparently it was supposed to be a requirement at launch but the PSN servers were busted and it was preventing people from getting in so they ‘temporarily’ disabled it.
Yeah bullshit on the technical issue, they got a whole lot of people playing who now are forced to make that account.
Something not rally being mentioned is that their monetization system has gotten predictably worse, for example nerfing a weapon in advance of a premium battle pass weapon that coincidentally fills the niche that was just nerfed away.
I mean, that’s not really so bad considering you can unlock the battle passes without spending a dime past your initial investment. The timing of the nerfs might be coincidental - I do also seem to remember a Breaker - Railgun - Shield Pack monoculture being a pretty big issue.
Unlocking the battle pass with grinding takes forever. With over 40 hours I only just made enough to unlock one. Except I didn’t because I spent a little along the way on armor. Playing normally does not get warbonds at a reasonable pace.
I mean, that’s the game, isn’t it? You either grind out the super credits, and the fact that’s an option at all is the Hallmark of a good game, or you pay for instant gratification. Live service doesn’t support itself.
“The scraps of barely available content is the hallmark of a good game” is something I’d be abjectly horrified to hear just ten years ago.
The game is not free to play. It’s a paid game with abusive monetization practices on top. You’ve already paid for the service.
The overton window has moved so much now. Sigh.
Look, I got hit with that stupid 2011 data breach PSN had and I still get scam emails with details from that due to the unique stuff I put in my various accounts. I’m not going to try to resurrect my now defunct account or create a new one so they can do more data mining and lose more of my PII, again.
I sure am happy i didnt buy this earlier because of the enforced rootkit.
Kernel Level Anti Cheat… In a co-op game!?
Why they did this is beyond me! 😔
Oh no! Billy cheated his way to a new cape!! 🙄
It really is quite silly. There aren’t even leaderboards or anything
Billy cheating made you unlock everything in 1 too, that’s their reasoning at least.
And fair enough, but you need to install a rootkit on my machine so Billy can’t get me a new cape?!
It was a silly hat.
It’s doubly puzzling, because that component is just disabled on Linux and Steamdeck.
Honestly there were a few reasons I didn’t get it, but I’ll say the rootkit was a big one.
Yeah, that had me already decided that if I did get it, it would be on ps5 not pc. Though this move will probably make me do that in general for any ps exclusive game they make a pc port of.
Well deserved imo
Say what you will about the giant bugs and socialist toasters, but they never sold out their own for a percentage.
A Starship Troopers, BSG, and Aliens reference. Nice!
i don’t even care about making the account, it’s just a throwaway email and password, but the rug pull for players from other countries isn’t fair at all
This is far too common with games now, all over Steam as well. RDR2 is a great example, the Rockstar launcher and social club is total dogshit!
The Social Club has been a thing since GTA 4. So, for 15 years?
And it has been shit since then
Fuck RDR2 has a launcher? Maybe I’ll just pirate it
Yeah, even with Steam it will force you to install the Rockstar launcher and create a social club account, very annoying!
Can someone explain what is the big deal of creating a Playstation account? I know they’ve added the requirement retroactively, and I know everyone wants steam to be it’s own thing, but this is not really a unique situation… I have a lot of games across many publishers that have their own useless accounts tied to it. What makes this different?
The big deal is that you are now forced to create an account with yet another service and give them analytics about your behavior, for literally no benefit to you.
Even though this is widely accepted, this is just not okay in any case. Not when Ubisoft did it, not now.
How can they enforce a ban if you don’t link your account?
They ban your steam id and you just family share it to another free account and do the same thing.
Get your tinfoil hat off.
I bet you $20 he made that comment either from his android phone or from chrome on a Windows PC. OH NO, I suddenly care about my gaming history being collected by Sony. You dont even have to install 3rd party software, it is an in-game link. No standalone launcher like most games nowadays.
This is no different than your other games with useless.one off accounts. That’s the problem. They all are a problem. I bought red dead 2 and refunded it as soon as I was required to create a rockstar account. It serves no purpose to me, I don’t need it or want it. If we don’t push back these useless account things will keep being added.
And retroactive add is a massive problem. They took people’s money then screwed them after. It sets the precedent that this is acceptable if people just take it.
What’s next? Removing areas and features of games after release for something that you paid for?
It’s scummy.
What’s next? Removing areas and features of games after release for something that you paid for?
Yeah, Destiny 2…
PSN accounts, in particular, are pretty bad. In some places, they require a photo ID in order to make an account, and in many regions of the world, you can’t make one at all. Something like 50 of the regions where the game was sold can’t make PSN accounts, and using a VPN to make an account or lying about your region is a bannable offense.
It’s a valid concern, both from paying for something that you can’t even use and a privacy perspective.
Can someone explain what is the big deal of creating a Playstation account?
I see other comments have covered some of the issues, I don’t see this one.
April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users
May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen
June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts
November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures
August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts
September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack
October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data BreachBasically Sony’s been caught before not securing anything. So people don’t want to deal with them. So for this to be retroactively pushed on users months later is a solid concern. To be forced to give Sony more data than is actually required to run the game (as we’ve proven it isn’t needed for months now). Is literally just handing it to the next hackers that access Sony’s shit.
Yeah this is all fair. I don’t give anyone or anything personally identifiable information, and wouldn’t suggest it. Just fill it out with fakes and move on.
It seems a lot of people did not realize that this was an initial requirement when the game first launched, but it was suspended while they figured out server and stability issues.
That was never mentioned in a meaningful way on my purchasing platform, or in the game. At no point was I told that I was only temporarirly allowed to play without a PSN account, and that the entire game would be locked down months later unless I created and linked one. Were that the case, I would have refunded on day 1.
Right above the buy button on Steam, in yellow highlighted text, it has always said
Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
And yet we played for months without it… Looks like it was not required. Otherwise it would have been refunded immediately.
It was deactivated while they were trying to sort out the server instability issues in the beginning. They announced it would eventually return, and it’s the main reason why the friends list has been messed up.
no shit a bunch of my friend picked it up last month and were bugging me to buy it and join them. I get paid today and had planned on buying this weekend.
but I ain’t got a playstation or PSN account so ima hold off. im not sure all of my friends do either, for that matter. back to modded CP2077 it is!
I’m like an hour in… mod reccos?
I haven’t played with mods myself, but one I’d recommend would be a third-person camera mod, and maybe one that lets you customize vehicles.