[Xitter] just announced a smart TV app for streaming video. Or, more accurately, that it claims it’s building one, with absolutely no launch date mentioned. The appropriately-named [Xitter] TV wants to be “your go-to companion for a high-quality, immersive entertainment experience on a larger screen.”
Is it going to be called xvideos?
the only massive pile of wank in that equation would be Elon.
Shitter TV. Only spelled differently.
Ah, yes , the XTV, just like porn, but the one getting fucked is you!
If it looks like a joke and sounds like a joke, it’s probably made by Elon Musk.
Either that, or it’s an actual joke.
No those don’t exist anymore.
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I’m just here to watch Phony Stark continue to light money on fire.
The only X button I need is the close button.
Get ready for new shows starring Ben Shapiro and Gina Carano, or whatever right wing loser they manage to attract.
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Half of America: why am I suddenly erect?
No, the Daily Liar is already trying to push into mass entertainment. It’s more likely to have Fucker Carlson and Alex “I need money to pay my civil judgements for my lies about Sandy Hook” Jones.
That guy should stop doing….well ALL the drugs.
He should do more of them, actually.
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Haha yes very good
(what does any of that mean, I’m not down with the kids these days)
k hole
Being so high on ketamine that you experience an intense detachment from reality.
Mostly ketamine
Please, do anything fucking useful with your vast amounts of wealth. Anything.
Skydiving without a parachute would be my first choice.
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In 12 months when he gets called on it by debtors (since Shitter has no shareholders) he’ll try to buy Pluto TV and claim that was the plan the whole time.
20$ says that this never actually happens in a meaningful way.
$44b says your probably right
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Imagine being so entrepreneurial that you think you need to buy twitter for way more than its worth in order to develop an app that does something entirely unrelated.
Musk is all over the place lately, claiming his Xai bots are doing practical work in the factory already, and will be ready for mass deployment “next year”, Which ought to be his nick name now. “Next year Musk”.
He also claimed a few days ago that robo-taxis were only months away.
New model cars from Tesla planned to arrive next year, should be moved up to arrive this year instead.
The man must be desperate or on coke or probably both, he has always over-promised and under delivered, but these latest promises are over the top even for him.coke
He’s on ketamine.
Noo that can’t be it, he has said it’s prescribed and only a low dosis. /s
Whatever he is on, I definitely don’t want it, seems he is getting more and more crazy.
Fully functional robotic taxis are already here, they’re just not made by western companies. It’s doubtful musks will ever work at this point, his “fully-automated self-driving” is vaporware.
Every time he says “this year” or “next year,” it’s at least 4 years away. He’s so full of shit that even his internal clock stinks.
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Yeah that probably works about as well as unsubscribing from cat facts.
A smart TV app from the guy who pulled Disney channels from the Tesla app due to a bruised ego over a Twitter argument? I can’t wait for this to crash and burn.