• slumlordthanatos@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Why is it only a problem when they retcon female protagonists in to things rather than out?

    Please don’t put words in my mouth. The issue was with how suddenly they changed it and how they clarified it, not with the change itself.

    Retcons suck. Going straight from “Women can’t be made into Custodes” to “Oh, there have always been female Custodes, you just didn’t see them in 30 years of lore, even though we explicitly said they couldn’t exist!” is just lazy and jarring, no matter the subject matter. Clarifying it with a tweet instead of just letting it speak for itself just poured gasoline on it.

    This is a good thing GW tried to do, they just handled it poorly.

    • AdaA
      11 months ago

      40k lore explicitly has an unreliable narrator and not unrelatedly, retcons that have “always been that way” is how the game has always been.

      Necrons, female space marines, genestealers, the old ones, they all got the same treatment.