• EpicFailGuy
    2011 months ago


    It’s also represented by /g/ which is funny because that’s 4chins board for “Technology” which … honestly; makes a lot of sense.

      • @LeylaaLoveeOP
        1111 months ago

        I find this statement bad because of the sheer number of queer people in the open source space.

      • @SkyeStarfall
        611 months ago

        God I hope not. They don’t deserve that much good in their life

  • Malgas
    1111 months ago

    Wait, Mormons have their own alphabet? Why?

    • @LeylaaLoveeOP
      3411 months ago

      Oh God, Mormons are an entire fucking rabbit hole, By far the craziest mainstream religion, there’s no comparison to me. A church based on saying all the quiet parts of modern Christianity as loud and proud as possible. For example, in the first book of the book of mormon, the Lamanite tribe are a bunch of sinners so they and all their ancestors are cursed with dark skin. Mormons believe PoC are literally the result of a curse by God. That’s not even getting into the insane fan fiction that is putting fake romans in the Americas thousands of years ago. Or God telling Nephi to kill someone he already ran away from because he needed the family genealogy records.

      Early Mormon church was literally a patriarchal white ethnostate cult. Quite literally the y’all-quaeda, complete with heavy ephedrine use and prophecies in paper bags. They believed that they were God’s chosen people, that the needed to bring in a new culture to the world because the mainstream had strayed too far from Christianity to be saved. This included the English language. A new alphabet is just in line with what Brigham Young did after Smith died, turn the cultiness up to 11. He wanted to seceed from the US and declared war at one point to try. Trying to keep his people only recieving one stream of information that he can control just makes sense.