• @dynamojoe@lemmy.world
    343 months ago

    “There, we dealt with it. Can we pretend it didn’t happen and we’re the victims again? Surely further criticism of something we’ve resolved would be antisemitic.”

  • Leraje
    303 months ago

    Ah, the old “it was just one or two bad apples” gambit.

    • @bazus1@lemmy.world
      93 months ago

      How many good-apple IDF officers does it take to change a lightbulb?

      Trick question. Good apples never change anything.

  • @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
    163 months ago

    While I don’t trust much of anything Israel’s government says, if true this reminds me of how the Imperial Japanese military often operated. Junior officers were so confident they had the correct interpretation of the emperor’s will that they would go ahead and do what they thought best rather than doing what they were told. Idealogical fundamentalism is a cancer

  • @BrokenGlepnir@lemmy.world
    53 months ago

    Sure, sure. Now that you got in trouble for it, it was just a bad apple (who got caught), right? We can ignore the stink of rotting fruit behind the counter.

  • @bartolomeo@suppo.fi
    3 months ago

    It takes an Olympic level of mental gymnastics to pretend Israel has any morality at this point. Still, they say in the article twice that it was against protocol, stemmed from miscommunication, and was a mistake, but it is 100% consistent with Israeli behaviour of late.

    What about the 40 beheaded babies story, or Israeli friendly fire on Oct 7, or the 3 Israeli hostages killed by the IDF while they were waving a white flag and shouting in Hebrew, the 7 journalists targeted and killed in Lebanon (or any of the 60-something journalists killed by the IDF since last October), or the >100,000 Palestinian casualties?

    There have been a lot of investigations promised and none delivered. On the other hand, when Israel accused UNRWA workers of being Hamas without a shred of evidence, those workers were fired immediately and many countries cut funding to UNRWA. It’s extremely messed up but fits with the pattern of Israel wiping out Palestinians, including by making sure that international aid does not interfere with their ethnic cleansing campaign. Not only do aid workers literally get killed (or just fired if they’re “lucky”) but it creates a chilling effect for any organization that wants to provide food or medical aid to a population on the brink of mass starvation and death. That’s terrorism.