A ringleader in a global monkey torture network exposed by the BBC has been charged by US federal prosecutors.

Michael Macartney, 50, who went by the alias “Torture King”, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute animal-crushing videos.

Mr Macartney was one of three key distributors identified by the BBC Eye team during a year-long investigation into sadistic monkey torture groups.

Two women have also been charged in the UK following the investigation.

Warning: This article contains disturbing content

Mr Macartney, a former motorcycle gang member who previously spent time in prison, ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts from around the world on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

  • businessfish
    11 months ago

    yeah all the data is out there for why its better for you, the planet, and the animals that live on it, and i find it strange to not find veganism “modest” enough. going vegan was the easiest major lifestyle change i’ve ever made, and beans are cheaper than meat.

    the only time i have problems being vegan is when someone else makes it a problem, and for some reason people really like to respond to any mention of veganism with hostility. but also those same people love animals and hate animal abuse.

    • chetradley@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I’ve noticed that too lol. People generally don’t like to have their beliefs challenged, especially if it’s about something they enjoy doing. Hell I know I struggled with it when considering giving up animal products and dairy specifically, but I’m so glad I did!

      • businessfish
        11 months ago

        the part i struggled with most is realizing that everyone i know just doesn’t care about animals enough to stop eating their favorite sandwiches, the rest is pretty straightforward. keep on fightin the good fight

    • Adulated_Aspersion@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      The reason people react strongly to veganism is twofold:

      1. There are many vegans that are very “in your face,” much in the same way that evangelical Christianity can be pushed too far. “You’re either with me or you are a terrible person.”

      2. Some think that a vegan’s decision to avoid animal products automatically means that the same vegan is passing judgement on those who still consume animal products.